LGBT ideology in school is getting diverse

America is adrift today as God's design for gender, marriage and sexuality is often ignored and even cast aside in favor of a counterfeit approach. The Word of God is our only anchor in the midst of the cultural storm. When people “exchange the truth of God for a lie” (Romans 1:25), they become terribly disoriented.
LGBT ideology has created even bigger headaches in our nation’s public schools than in the boardrooms of Bud Light and Target. And in case you haven’t noticed, a growing number of parents are speaking up and exercising their rights regarding the education of their children. Thankfully, many states are stepping up to protect the hearts and minds of unsuspecting children and teens in public schools.
For example, the Florida Board of Education has “approved a ban on classroom instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades (K-12), expanding the law that bans those lessons up to grade 3.” This clearly seems to be the educational approach the majority of parents in our country desire for their children.
Alternatively, Connecticut’s first LGBT-centered school is scheduled to open later this year. Patricia Nicolari plans to open this private school as an institution that “fosters a queer-friendly environment.” PROUD Academy is the first such school in Connecticut, and the fifth in the nation.
Millions of parents believe that LGBT indoctrination in public schools is a serious threat to their child’s education and peace of mind, while other parents want their children in a classroom where LGBT ideology is central to the curriculum. The majority of Americans agree that public schools are not the place for such inappropriate instruction.
Naturally, many Americans saw the storm approaching long before the drag queen story hours in public libraries and the recent Bud Light and Target debacles.
In a 2018 CP op-ed titled, “Will America’s Public Grade Schools Become Transgender Mills?”, I wrote, “It’s possible to reject the (transgender) movement while remaining sensitive and helpful toward those who experience gender dysphoria.”
“Parents do not send their children to school to get indoctrinated with gender myths that contradict biology and human anatomy. Young people face enough fear and anxiety in our world today without their grade school teachers frightening them with stories of transgender experiments on children.”
The LGBT activist agenda sure feels like a religion in America today. President Ulysses S. Grant stated, “Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the Church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the Church and state forever separate.”
PROUD Academy will offer students what certain parents want for their children, while Florida’s Board of Education has given parents in Florida the safe space they desire for their children. America is a land of options where parents across the ideological spectrum have a variety of convictions about what they believe is best for their children.
And with a mental health crisis afflicting so many young people today, many parents are being especially vigilant concerning the instruction their children receive at school. As LGBT activists continue to add more letters to their acronyms and more pronouns to their agenda, parents deserve and reserve the right to decide how and when they will address such weighty issues with their own children at home.
PROUD Academy articulates a clear vision for its curriculum and for after-school programs that align with its perspective on human sexuality and gender.
Now compare that upfront approach to what developed recently in Colorado, where some families sued the school district for encouraging girls to join a “secret” LGBT club. The secrecy surrounding this after-school club is deeply troubling, especially since the students were told they would be attending an “art club” and that it would be OK to lie to their parents about the club meetings. Many discerning parents recognize and identify such deceitful tactics as “grooming.”
Meanwhile, Florida is leading the way in truthfulness and transparency regarding their educational agenda.
As Florida Rep. Chase Tramont said, “In the image of God, he created them. Male and female, he created them. Folks this is rock solid, irreversible, validated by science and our medical community. Period. You are either male or female. This is not subject to one’s opinion. It is demonstrable fact.”
Since millions of Americans agree with Rep. Tramont, we will continue to see state legislatures across the country working to protect the mental health of children and the God-given rights of parents.
A relatively small number of parents want LGBT ideology instilled in their children. Even though they are in the minority, they are nevertheless free to establish their own private schools. After all, this is America.
Which would you prefer for your family ... the State Board of Education’s approach in Florida, or PROUD Academy’s approach in Connecticut?
Whether you choose public school, private school, or homeschooling for your children, the educational path you select for them carries greater consequences today than ever before.
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska.