Mutilating and Sterilizing the Children

Bonsaiing Children
In Spain's Prado Museum, there hangs one of the world's masterpieces. Painted by Diego Velazquez, it is entitled Las Meninas.
Though the focus is on five-year-old Margarita Teresa of Spain, to the right of the young princess are two dwarfs. The woman, a German named Marie Barbola, gazes intently at the viewer.
It is hard for us moderns to realize that during the 17th century, little people like Barbola were considered less than human and were traded like toys among royalty for entertainment and amusement. Thank God for the contemporary changes in attitude toward little people.
But it is even more shocking to realize that in the past and in our own times, people are purposely made little in both body and mind in order evil ideologies are ratified or money is made--sometimes both.
Victor Hugo famously exposed the 17th century trade in children who had been deliberately deformed for fun and profit in his novel The Man Who Laughs. Gwynplaine, the hero of the story and the prototype for DC Comics' "The Joker," was deliberately disfigured; his face twisted into a permanent, hideous grin. Hugo writes:
"...[I]ndustrious manipulators of children had worked upon his face...[A] mysterious and occult science, which was to surgery what alchemy was to chemistry, had chiseled his flesh, evidently at a very tender age, and manufactured his countenance with premeditation...His face laughed. His thoughts did not."
Hugo called those who crafted people as others formed bonsais Comprachicos:
"The Comprachicos worked on man as the Chinese work on trees. A sort of fantastic stunted thing left their hands; it was ridiculous and wonderful. They could touch up a little being with such skill that its father could not have recognized it. Sometimes they left the spine straight and remade the face. Children destined for tumblers had their joints dislocated in a masterly manner; thus gymnasts were made. Not only did the Comprachicos take away his face from the child; they also took away his memory. At least, they took away all they could of it; the child had no consciousness of the mutilation to which he had been subjected. Of burnings by sulphur and incisions by the iron he remembered nothing. The Comprachicos deadened the little patient by means of a stupefying powder which was thought to be magical and which suppressed all pain."
Some scholars like John Boynton Kaiser have hastened to discount Hugo's accounts of the comprachicos, even while acknowledging his scholarship on other matters. But the practice of deliberate deformation of children is unquestionably not obsolete, despite Kaiser's revulsion over the practice and his scholarly state of denial concerning the cruelties of humans toward children. As he himself noted, the disfiguration of children for sport and profit has been a recorded practice from time immemorial. The practice has never been eradicated from any civilization.
In fact, in recent years, CNN featured true stories about the deliberate mutilation of children by gangs in Bangladesh and India. Little kids were and are deliberately mutilated and then sent out to beg for money which their tormentors then collect, only to send the children out on the streets yet again. The film Slum Dog Millionaire portrays such trade in maimed children with brutal honesty.
But Westerners should disabuse themselves of the idea that deliberate mutilation of children is not a problem within their own societies. On the contrary, the torture and mutilation of children and youth is quite in vogue, completely supported by the most radical wing of progressive ideology; namely, transgenderism.
What else but torture and mutilation would anyone term the processes deemed necessary to "transition" to the sex supposedly opposite of the one a person was born as? What else does one call the deliberate excision of perfectly normal uteruses, breasts and penises in order to create a distorted facsimile of the opposite sex? What else other than torture should we call the deliberate, life-long injection of hormones in order to transform men into "women" and women into "men?" Why are such ghastly practices allowed by and even approved of by legislatures that are hastening to remove any opposition to cruelties most people with consciences have rejected for punishing even sex offenders? Not many continue to advocate chemical or physical castration for convicted pedophiles; but there seems to be little opposition to castrating kids who are "transitioning."
Is the current practice of bonsaiing children into a facsimile of the sex opposite from that with which they are born any different from the mutilation Comprachico surgeons practiced on Gwynplaine? Is "transitioning" children and youth by hormone therapy and surgery different than the practice of creating eunuchs to watch over harems, castrating male children in order they sing divinely or binding the feet of women so they were considered more sexually attractive?
No. It isn't.
It is time for Americans to grasp what is really happening under the cover of "consent." An insidious and evil sex cult is being allowed to convince children and youth that the bodies they have been given at birth are inherently arbitrary containers subject to malleability at will. They are being told a cure is available for the perceived malady of being born male or female--a cure that will irreversibly change their bodies into what they supposedly wish for. The result is that dozens of "clinics" devoted to enabling the mutilation of children are escaping the wrath and disgust their advocates and proprietors deserve.
How has the bonsaiing of normal bodies become acceptable?
It has happened because parents, caretakers and the children themselves have had their minds deformed by ideological manipulation presently characterizing most of the media and much of the public school system. As Ayn Rand pointed out in her prescient 1970 essay concerning mass education run by the State, "The Comprachicos:"
"The modern comprachicos have an advantage over their ancient predecessors: when a victim was mutilated physically, he retained the capacity to discover who had done it. But when a victim is mutilated mentally, he clings to his own destroyers as his masters and his only protectors against the horror of the state which they have created; he remains as their tool and their play-thing—which is part of their racket."
We shouldn't be surprised if children who are persuaded to give over their God given identities as male and female are led to believe their very bodies are a mistake and so must be given a makeover. The transgender ideology our kids are increasingly subjected to degrades children's and youths' identities, then urges them toward self-mutilation. It is designed to make young people hate their bodies so much that they "choose" to re-form their identities by handing themselves over to clinics whose counselors advocate putting them on drugs and handing them over to surgeons who will mutilate their bodies.
Are we truly comprehending the horror of the psychological and physical abuse that is being doled out to our children? Are we aware of the intensive brainwashing it requires in order to get a kid to hate himself so much he decides his body is intrinsically bad? Are we outraged to see a girl accept the destruction of her reproductive capacities in order to become "male?"
Abusers often gain the consent of the people they abuse by deforming their mental and emotional capacities. A kid who is starved for attention will consent to sex with an adult in exchange for a lollipop. A teenager will sell her body over and over again for the sake of a pimp who has brainwashed her into believing she must do it for the sake of love.
Abusers wait for the moment their prey says, "You are right! There is something intrinsically wrong with me! I now discern what I really, really want. I was confused. Help me fix myself."
Failing consent, force will do. This child will have a beautiful singing voice like Farinelli. This risk free, castrated young man will be given a rewarding job as master of the harem. He will not threaten my perverse sexual pleasures. The small sacrifice of his manhood is necessary first.
It is fair to ask just what purposes the abusive transgender movement have in mind for all the children they are persuading to deny the reality of their bodies. Might it be something sexual--boys who are little forever? Or boys who resemble girls and can be treated as objects of sexual desire? Might it be the sadomasochistic satisfaction of misogynists who hate women and who are glad to see lovely young girls deformed forever and a lust for the pain of others temporarily satisfied? Yes, such monsters exist, and they do derive satisfaction from the pain of others.
Could the motives include profit? Skilled surgeons and big pharma can make lots of money from the flow of "consenting" children, an endless stream of whom can be continually supplied from the public school system, particularly once its captivity to transgender ideology is completed.
Ultimately, it is hatred that drives the transgender movement: Hatred of self; hatred of others; hatred of God as the Creator of human beings, male and female.
The real aim is to change with finality the Christian paradigm of what it means to be truly human. It is to get rid of Christianity's foundational belief in man and woman as created and loved by their Creator and Savior.
Thankfully, there is resistance to all the hatred directed toward human beings as they are created, even within the transgender community itself. Some who have bought into an ideology that destroys are speaking up. A dysphoric woman who now has de-transitioned speaks up for a number of women who have subjected themselves to mutilation.
Crashchaoscats, as she calls herself, has written of her disillusionment and speaks directly to those who "helped" her transition:
"I find I don't have much to say to my old providers in terms of how they could change their practice to better suit the needs of dysphoric women like myself. I don't want to help them reform their work, I want to cut them out of picture as much as possible...The truth is that they were helping a traumatized troubled woman act out her self-hatred.
"You thought you were doing good but you were giving me tools to hurt myself...You supported the splits in myself...Listen, you did not help me except to move me further away from myself...I don't need your acceptance or your chemical offerings, I don't need to come back to you anymore. This is the last you'll hear from me. I never needed your help and now I'm working hard to let other women know they don't need your help either.
"People like me are not factored into an informed consent model. Informed consent presumes I know what's going on and what I want. I knew what I wanted but I didn't know what all was going on with me. I was dissociated, I was blocking and repressing parts of myself and my past.
"Medically transitioning symbolized how I felt that who and what I was wrong, not enough, and had to be totally reshaped to be made good. That I would rather become another person than be who I am, that being who I am was so unthinkable that I was split off and in denial of my actual self."
Who could say it better than someone who realized she was being abused by people who presented themselves as saviors from herself?
Against such evil presenting itself as good stands the Christian message the transgender movement is determined to exterminate. That message is this:
You are precious in God's sight, even if not in your own eyes. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image as male or female. He has loved the human race He created so much that He became one of us. From Heaven He came down to save us.
Male and female.
And me.