Sexualizing schoolchildren and ridding parents of rights

Ever since school prayer got outlawed by the Supreme Court's 1962 Engel v. Vitale decision, America has been in a major moral decline. All the correlations are there. When prayer got pushed out of the classroom, the secularists came in with their perverse agenda to sexualize children and parental rights have been undermined bit by bit.
Solid proof of this is a federal appeals court decision made just last week which ruled 2-1 against parents who asked to opt out their own children from being brainwashed and forced to adhere to a Maryland school district's homosexual propaganda curriculum. Add insult to injury, it was a Republican-appointed judge who sat on this Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and tilted the decision against parents.
It is beyond insane and problematic that in America, the land of the free, only those parents who can afford to either homeschool or send their children to private schools are somewhat more safeguarded from the secular left's tentacles to pit parents against children. Because secularists hate God and hate America, their aim is to teach young children to believe the same.
To put into perspective just how much radical leftists have gained control and taken over America's culture and major institutions, particularly education, it is worth reminding ourselves of our Founding Fathers and how they fought for and believed in building America on the Word of God. It was Benjamin Franklin, who we know was himself no role model for perfect moral living, who rose up during the 1987 Constitutional Convention to press the need for prayer and stated that: "...God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without [H]is notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without [H]is aid? ... I therefore beg leave to move — that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business."
Now compare Franklin's words to the school prayer the Supreme Court struck down on June 25, 1962. It read: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our Country. Amen.”
Here's the kicker: the sentiment of the student prayer is identical to that as expressed by Ben Franklin and the words practically mirror his, yet the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. Also worth noting about this prayer is the respectful inclusion of "parents" (kept plural), who were rightfully hailed before teachers.
If only the secularists had failed and not succeeded, then surely this same prayer would still be spoken today and America no doubt would be in a much better place — instead America's in danger of another Antifa and BLM outbreak and faces the threat of anarchy.
But since the hateful left did succeed, the gates of Hades were opened up — literally. As a result of Engel v. Vitale, all of hell was given the license to unleash and target schoolchildren's pure and innocent minds. In replace of prayer, Planned Parenthood and its cadre of affiliates are just some of the perpetrators that gained unfettered access and have been able to flood impressionable K-12 students with perverse sexual materials. Title X of the Public Health Service Act, unknown to the majority of Americans, is a federal law that provides Planned Parenthood types direct access to schoolchildren without parental consent, which they no longer keep secret. The U.S. government handbook outright states:“…nor can any Title X project staff notify a parent or guardian before or after a minor has requested and/or received Title X family planning services.”
To make matters worse, we are seeing a growing wave of states and school districts, such as Maryland's Montgomery County, passing policies and laws to keep parents locked out from knowing when school administrators approach their children about changing their biological gender. And just as the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against parents' request to opt out of this same school district's homosexual curriculum, the Fourth Circuit also ruled against parents who tried to stop this policy to sell transgenderism to their children.
So where do we go from here?
A good place to focus on is the selection of future federal judges. Most Christians are unaware that one of the many disturbing takeaways from the devastating landmark 1962 Supreme Court decision was the fact that three of the four Republican-appointed Associate Justices who sat on the Court during that time, joined with the majority of FDR-appointed judges and ruled against school prayer. Fast forward to today and nothing has changed. As stated at the outset, it was a Republican-appointed federal judge who provided the deciding vote against parents in last week's Maryland Montgomery parental rights case, and just like in 1962, he sold out American values and American schoolchildren.
The Republican Party has always stood for upholding the American family as a priority. We believe in traditional marriage, parental rights and are pro-life. In other words, we are God-fearing, Bible-believing Americans. So how in the world do individuals who do not subscribe to these values get appointed to the federal bench by Republican leaders? It clearly comes down to the vetting process. Given the life-and-death significance that the judicial branch plays in deciding the fate of our nation, the next Republican administration needs to do a better job of ensuring that only those who wholeheartedly agree that parental rights must be upheld above any other entity or institution are those who get selected. And hopefully, under another Trump administration, this will be the case (no pun intended).
As for grassroots action, Christians have to be engaged in their local school board elections and meetings — period. As a national activist who has traveled across America to confront school board officials about the disgusting smut that has been allowed in too many school libraries, I can attest firsthand that we need more patriots to show up. This is why I have launched an initiative to help train and engage those who want to join me in this battle to protect our children. Anyone interested in getting involved can visit my website to sign up for more information.
Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, John travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million + views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of Biblical justice. IKNOWGOD.US.