6 progressive policies of Kamala Harris that should scare you

The Democratic nominee for president of the United States is now Vice President Kamala Harris, who is set to face off against Donald Trump in the upcoming election. This development has sparked significant interest, particularly since Harris has not been elected to this position by the people but has seemingly been backed by influential figures within the Democratic Party.
As Harris gains traction in the polls, Christians must confront the question: What would a Harris presidency mean for the future of our nation, particularly for Christians and those who embrace conservative values?
To tackle this question, I've laid out six key concerns about Harris's policies and evaluated the challenges and objections she raises for those of us who support pro-life values, back limited government, and stand for secure borders.
1. Religious discrimination: Kamala Harris has been accused of being hostile to religious liberty, especially for conservative Christians who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage. She has also faced scrutiny for questioning some judicial nominees over their religious affiliations and beliefs. Additionally, Harris is a strong advocate of the highly controversial Equality Act, which proposes adding sexual orientation and gender identity laws. Critics argue that this could potentially infringe upon the religious freedoms of churches and religious organizations that adhere to a biblical model of marriage and sexuality.
2. Abortion rights: Vice President Harris is regarded as one of the most progressive abortion advocates within the Democratic party. Over the last few months, Harris has been touring cities with her "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" campaign, emphasizing that a woman's right to have an abortion is not only a personal choice but also a constitutional right. She has also criticized the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade. Larry Levitt, executive vice president for health policy at KFK said that “Abortion access would likely be front and center” in Vice President Harris’s campaign. In 2022, Harris met with faith leaders in Los Angeles, California, to emphasize the significance of rallying their support for and safeguarding abortion rights, as stated on the White House website.
3. Economy: Big government spending: Kamala Harris has been a staunch supporter of President Biden's economic agenda, which includes massive spending on infrastructure, social programs, and green energy. Harris has said that she would raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations to pay for these investments, as well as to reduce inequality and racial disparities. She has also advocated for raising the minimum wage, expanding health care coverage, and strengthening labor unions. Harris has said that she would pursue an economic policy that works for everyone, not just the rich.
4. Support for defunding the police: Critics argue that her stance on defunding the police would harm public safety. Harris supported Biden when he promised during his campaign to create a national police oversight commission.
5. Border policies: In her role as the "Border Czar," Vice President Harris has faced criticism for her handling of the border crisis. Critics have cited concerns over hundreds of thousands of deaths from drug overdoses, incidents of rape and murder, and the impact of her border policies on public safety. Some of the policies Harris supports include the decriminalization of border crossings by illegal aliens and the provision of taxpayer-funded healthcare for those crossing the border without documentation. Additionally, Vice President Harris has expressed support for abolishing I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), which has raised concerns about its potential impact on border security. Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution condemning Vice President Harris for her role in the border crisis, with a vote of 220-196. The resolution reflects bipartisan concern over the handling of the border situation, with six Democrats joining Republicans in supporting the measure.
6. Foreign policy: Harris has expressed support for rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal. The Paris Climate Agreement has been criticized for placing a financial burden on the U.S. economy by requiring significant costs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. Critics also argue that American industries such as coal, oil, and gas could experience job losses, impacting certain areas of the country. Some have voiced concerns that the agreement could limit U.S. sovereignty by subjecting the country to international oversight and regulations, potentially constraining the flexibility of U.S. policies in response to changing economic and environmental conditions. Additionally, the Paris Agreement sets different emission reduction targets for developed and developing nations, with China, classified as a developing country, being assigned more lenient targets than the U.S. Furthermore, the Iran Nuclear Deal has raised concerns about potentially emboldening Iran and fueling regional aggression. Critics argue that Iran's financial gains from lifted sanctions could lead to increased support for proxy groups and involvement in conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. There are also worries about the potential for a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, as other countries in the region may seek their own nuclear capabilities in response to Iran's actions, potentially contributing to further destabilization in the region.
In summary, there are a number of individuals within the Christian community who hold deep concerns regarding Kamala Harris's positions on various issues, including but not limited to religious freedom, abortion, foreign policy, and border security. It is feared that her policies related to religious liberty may restrict religious freedoms and practices, potentially imposing limitations on faith-based organizations. Moreover, her strong support for expansive abortion rights contradicts the pro-life stance held by many believers. Hence, it's imperative for Christians to stay alert and carefully evaluate how her policies could influence their deeply-held beliefs and values, as well as the future of America.
Jason Jimenez is the founder and president of Stand Strong Ministries and is a respected Christian-worldview speaker, and faculty member at Summit Ministries. He is the best-selling author of Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over the Church, Challenging Conversations: A Practical Guide to Discuss Controversial Topics in the Church, and Parenting Gen Z: Guiding Your Child through a Hostile Culture.