The Case of Masterpiece Cakeshop Now Hangs in the Balance

The legal case of Jack Phillips came and went and now they wait with bated breath to find out how the Supreme Court rules and were Justice Neil McGill Gorsuch stands on the issue of religious freedom and freedom of conscience. We shall find out if voting for the Republican candidate is still the right thing to do for the Conservative Christian, or if the argument can finally be torpedoed.
We know why Jack Phillips is in court to begin with, and all because of the ideal that homosexual rights are the same as the rights of minority groups who were truly discriminated against in the past. In a piece written by Jack Phillips himself that was published in the USA Today; he says that he would sell your basic cookies, cakes etc anyone regardless of their faith and choices on who they go to bed with, and if the statement did not conflict with his faith, he would create one of his 'masterpieces' for you and whomever to gorge on. Charlie Craig and David Mullins however, wanted Phillips to create a cake that would affirm their 'marriage.' As Phillips said in his article, they were living their beliefs as Phillips was living his.
With Phillips as the owner, he told them quite clearly that he would not use his skill set to promote and affirm that ran in conflict with his beliefs. He would still sell them a cake, or whatever but he would not affirm their lifestyle or marriage. From the stories I have heard Craig and Mullins were enraged and the Rainbow Jihad coupled with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission came down on Jack like the weights in an Olympic competition. With the CCRC as progressive as they are, they naturally sided with Craig/Mullins and found Phillips guilty. Phillips was not willing to just give up and thus his day with the Supreme Court.
Charlie Craig meanwhile talked with the press saying; "This entire time Dave and I have just been asking to be treated equally in public. We're two regular guys that just were wronged and decided to stand up for ourselves. Dave and I do not have an agenda, we all deserve fair and equal treatment, and that's why we're here today."
This should bring up a lot of questions that the press should have asked. Why did you want Jack Phillips to affirm your marriage with his cakes? Why could not have taken your business to a gay friendly bakery? You say that have no agenda and you just want to be treated equally; why did you want to make a business transaction with Masterpiece Cakeshop? I honestly think that Craig/Mullins are not sincere in their statement about having no agenda. I honestly believe that they (and perhaps others sympatric to their cause) were searching for someone who would refuse service based on their so called 'love of each other." To paraphrase the old song from the heavy metal group Metallica, they wanted to seek and destroy a God fearing Christian and their business, and put other likeminded Christians on notice. This is just as much of a terrorist attack then any attack in which actual people have been killed. They are not alone, but this the one that made to the highest court in the country.
Progressives see the LGBT community as a force of arms in order to finally corner and marginalize Christians who believe in the Bible and take their faith seriously and literally. The public education system has done a good job in turning many children against the Christian faith or at least got them to embrace certain anti-biblical ideals that have crept into Christian teaching. So has our mainstream media which for many years pushed a liberal to progressive narrative on its viewers.
The LGBT community does not want to be told that their sexual acts are self-destructive to them and the people around them. They want that sexual fix, cause it "feels good." They don't want to be told that its destructive. They might know it deep down, but like drugs they just keep doing it. Because they don't want their neighbor to remind them of their impending fate, they have to force people to tell them, it is ok to be gay. While I disagree somewhat with Denver pastor Bob Enyart that telling a child that homosexuality is good will inoculate him or her from the Gospel of Jesus Christ (God through the Holy Spirt can still draw people to himself regardless), he is right about how the devil can use people to allow a community of people to die slowly. By using people to encourage wickedness, a community destroys themselves from within rather than without, with the approval of the community's leaders, and much to the pleasure of the devil watching the people with glee, self-distrust slowly.
Will America as a whole go the same path? Justice Gorsuch could allow for such a fate, in the name of judicial precedent. If so, the LGBT battle will be elevated to the same level as the abortion fight for the progressives have supported two things that enable the destruction of humanity, and why satan himself maybe pulling the strings of our justices in order for the American people to eventually parish, or cause another empire to fall.