Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • Are you too good to get to Heaven?

    Are you too good to get to Heaven?

    Man naturally assumes that eternal life is awarded to those who do plenty of good works during their life on Earth.

  • The Buddha is nothing like Jesus

    The Buddha is nothing like Jesus

    A dead man’s advice about the benefits of self-reliance, or, the living Lord’s wisdom and his free gift of everlasting life in Heaven. Two paths. Two spiritual teachers. But only one eternal Savior who will gladly wash away your sins if you trust him to forgive you for breaking God’s commandments.

  • Are you aware of what soul sleep is?

    Are you aware of what soul sleep is?

    You have probably heard about the need for deep sleep, but you may be completely unaware of your need for soul sleep.

  • Christians: If you have no joy, you're doing something wrong

    Christians: If you have no joy, you're doing something wrong

    Spiritual conversion is a miracle worked by the Holy Spirit when a person repents and believes the good news of the Gospel. No one has ever been converted by the law or by seeking to obey the law.

  • God owes you nothing

    God owes you nothing

    “How could God have allowed this to happen to me?” Perhaps you have felt this way at certain points in your life.

  • What if tomorrow is your last Christmas?

    What if tomorrow is your last Christmas?

    One of these years you are going to experience your final Christmas. It is inevitable.

  •  The difference between natural kindness and Christian kindness

    The difference between natural kindness and Christian kindness

    While the world is better off when people practice acts of kindness, Heaven is populated only with those who accept God’s kindness toward them in the death and resurrection of his only Son.

  • Do you still expect Christmas surprises?

    Do you still expect Christmas surprises?

    In order to receive God’s joy into your soul, you will need to come to Bethlehem in your heart as you bow down before the Prince of Peace. Without humility and faith, you will never experience a spiritual awakening.

  • When we are consumed by hatred

    When we are consumed by hatred

    Political strife often turns people against one another. Rancor develops among family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

  • Here's why an unborn baby is not one person with its mom

    Here's why an unborn baby is not one person with its mom

    “A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."