Dan Delzell
Christian Post Contributor
Here's why an unborn baby is not one person with its mom
“A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
Rejecting Satan's lies about race, religion and gender
If you are told a lie repeatedly, especially at a young age, you are inclined to believe it. And once a lie is embedded in your mind, it becomes a stronghold that can only be brought down by the truth.
Mainstream media, campaign cover-ups and Honest Abe
America suffers whenever political campaigns and impaired candidates are deceptively promoted by the mainstream media.
Casting your anxiety on God really works
Have you learned how to let go and let God? It is easier said than done, but the Lord is eager to assist His people because He wants our hearts to experience rest in Him.
How a president’s reckless assault on marriage backfired
Obama’s reckless assault on marriage did incalculable damage to the fabric of our nation. And as the tsunami of righteous anger and parental participation continues to intensify, we are reminded that each one of us is responsible for the doctrines and practices we endorse, and the consequences that ensue.
Are you a prisoner or a priest?
If the Spirit of God lives within you, then you have been converted. And if the Holy Spirit does not live within you, then you remain unconverted and bound by sin.
The good news about Jesus is believable
The stakes are sky high. The bad news is that your sin separates you from God (Isaiah 59:2). The good news is that Christ died for your sins to rescue you from sin, death and eternal punishment in Hell.
The ‘real you’ isn’t getting any older
Turn your eyes on the One who lived a perfect life, died a holy death, and rose from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). No one ever regrets having a close relationship with the Lord.
When souls enter the eternal forest
The sooner you accept the fact that your soul is immortal, the better.
What if you are wrong about God?
Have you ever been wrong about anything? What if you are wrong about the Lord and about the immortality of your soul?