Dan Delzell
Christian Post Contributor
Self-help formulas vs. Christian conversion
What if God offered you something far superior to the myriad of self-help formulas on the market today? Would you accept the Lord's offer? The first thing you need to understand in this regard is that in order to be improved, you need to be removed.
When God’s people crave a king
Do you know the King? If not, what are you waiting for? Repent of your sins and “believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). The craving for an earthly leader will then begin to pale in comparison to your craving for the King of kings, especially as you walk closely with your King everyday.
When God offers you a taste test
You too can come to know what Peter and the other apostles knew. The Lord will feed your soul as you rely upon Christ's death on the cross as the basis of your forgiveness. But the words of eternal life will not benefit you if you reject them and refuse to believe God’s promise.
Boasting in the cross requires genuine humility
Rather than boasting any longer in himself and his religious credentials, Paul began to boast in the message of the cross. It became Paul’s lifeblood and purpose for living.
What does spiritual blindness look like?
Do you see Jesus as your Savior from sin, or are you blind to your sin and to the Redeemer who loves you?
When people assume God doesn’t see or hear
The fact of the matter is that God sees and hears everything we say and do. He even knows every thought that enters our mind.
Skeptics, Scripture and divine revelation
God will not force you to take him at His Word, but He has reserved everlasting benefits for those who do. The choice is yours.
Overcoming your nervousness about talking to Jesus
If you have never talked to Jesus about your fears, you have no idea what it feels like to be able to go to the Lord with anything that is weighing your heart down.
Why everyone eventually wants to be saved
As far as you are concerned, the only “hell" people ever experience is right here on Earth. The fact of the matter is that both of the eternal destinations described in the Bible are extreme.
Did Apostle Paul promote and practice positive confession?
While speaking positively is typically a good practice, it is dangerous to attempt to magically manipulate and control your circumstances by so-called “positive confessions.” Praying continually in Jesus’ name beats the magical practice of positive confession every day of the week and twice on Sunday!