3 shot at Antioch High School in Nashville including student who shot himself

Antioch High School, located some 12 miles southeast of downtown Nashville, Tennessee, has been placed under lockdown following a shooting Wednesday that left three people injured, including a student suspected of shooting himself.
News of the shooting, which reportedly occurred in the school's cafeteria, was first released on X at about 12:38 p.m. Eastern time by Metro Nashville Public Schools.
“Antioch High School is on a lockdown due to shots being fired inside the school building. Metro Police are on the scene. The person responsible for shooting is no longer a threat. We will be gathering students in the auditorium and will provide information on reunification as soon as possible,” the agency said in a statement. “This is an active crime scene and investigation. We will work with the MNPD to provide further updates as they become available.”
At around 1 p.m., the Metro Nashville PD confirmed the shooting at the school and the number of people injured.
“A shooting incident is under investigation at Antioch High School. Three people have been wounded, including the suspect, who shot himself,” investigators said.
Parents were asked not to come to the school to pick up their children but to meet at 3754 Murfreesboro Pike at the Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital.
A Fox17 report said one victim is in stable condition at Vanderbilt University Hospital while another is in stable condition at Monroe Carell Junior Children's Hospital. One person was also reported dead, but the report was not confirmed.
This is a developing story and details might change as authorities provide updated information.
Contact: leonardo.blair@christianpost.com Follow Leonardo Blair on Twitter: @leoblair Follow Leonardo Blair on Facebook: LeoBlairChristianPost