Singer Jeannie Ortega on how ‘letting go’ is her musical surrender

From the ghettos of Brooklyn, to a successful singing career, to a stunning restoration in Jesus, Jeannie Ortega, a contemporary Christian musical artist, fought demonic attacks, thoughts of suicide, rejection and being treated like a commodity as a secular pop star.
After many years away from music due to a new career in journalism and starting a family with her husband, Ortega never lost sight of her first love, the ability to glorify God through song.
“What's beautiful about music is that there's so many things you can talk about,” Ortega, who released her first mainstream album “No Place Like Brooklyn” in 2006, said while appearing on the "Crossmap Podcast."
“We all have these universal things that we need, which is love. We're constantly seeking purpose or value. We're trying to fulfill something in us that feeds our identity. And music is very, very good at just getting to those points, whether it's love, or it's sadness. So I really do think it's why music is so important to me.”
Over the years, Ortega has learned that to defeat the darkness in this world, you must activate your spiritual sight. It is her desire to guide people to discover unseen spiritual activity in their day to day activities, how to guard your heart from evil, and how to find the love of God and His purpose for your life.
Ortega has just released her first album in eight years. It’s called “Letting Go,” and serves as a musical surrender of sorts. Each melody and lyric came from what she felt God put in her heart to share in such a time as this. Her prayer is that people will listen with an open heart so that God can speak to each and every one of them in a special way.
“I want to see people free," Ortega shares. “For years, I didn't know that there was a savior, that there was an outlet. And then I came to know Jesus. But I got caught up in a church that kind of kept me bound to rules and rituals. Then, here I am now at a place where I get to lead others to Christ. And my biggest desire for this project and everything that I do is to bring people to a place of true surrender and holiness and sanctification in God. There is freedom in our God. There is wholeness in our God. There is hope in our God.”
Ortega joins us on the "Crossmap Podcast" to talk about how people can pinpoint unseen spiritual actively negatively affecting their lives and how to get away from it. Listen as she shares how music has the ability to connect with the human soul like nothing else, short of a relationship with Jesus.