John Stonestreet and Shane Morris
Dads change with fatherhood
Recent discoveries have suggested that dedicated fathers, like dedicated mothers, undergo dramatic hormonal and neurological shifts upon the arrival of a baby.
Planned Parenthood’s new revenue stream is not a new direction
Planned Parenthood has now jumped into this business with both feet. On its website, the organization claims that if a child or young adult is “insistent, consistent, and persistent” about their trans identity, then they should be medically “affirmed.”
Another weak link in evolutionary theory
Today, however, discoveries in molecular biology have complicated that conclusion. In fact, a new paper poses one of the strongest challenges yet to the idea that all life shares common chemistry.
Passing on the faith: Good news and bad news
One clear lesson is how seriously parents must take their role as disciple-makers. It’s a common instinct to lean away from spiritual conversations, especially with teens and young adults who seem to have grown uninterested or annoyed by them.
Gratitude is good for you
God deserves our final gratitude…not the universe or the government or our “inner light.” Even the good gifts of other people’s time and help and love point, ultimately, to God. And, of course, God doesn’t owe us any of these good gifts, nor could we ever deserve them.
Christian schools should be thoroughly Christian
Simply put, any school wishing to be Christian must be thoroughly Christian: in purpose, content, curriculum, aim, and personnel. This is no easy task. In fact, to be a Christian educator is, to paraphrase Dr. John Stackhouse, “more than twice as hard.”
Olympic stories of faith are more precious than silver and gold
These stories offer a more complete picture of the Olympics than what has been portrayed in so many media reports. These are athletes who have found in Christ that which is “more lovely than silver, and more costly than gold.”
Decorated mom gives life to Olympic athletes
There is one protest, a quiet one, that demands our respect from the 2021 Olympics. Female athletes who are mothers earned well-deserved attention.
What is our Christian identity in this anonymous age?
The deepest conflicts in this moment aren’t moral ones. It’s not a disagreement about what’s right and what’s wrong, even though certainly our views on that as a culture have dramatically changed. The deeper confusion is about who we actually are.
The pandemic of despair
Who else can address this culture-wide pandemic of despair but the Church? Who else, if not us fellow beggars who have found the Bread of Life. In a society literally dying of despair, to “always be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have to anyone who asks,” is not a mere suggestion. It’s a calling. It’s a matter of life or death.