Solomon Green
Op-ed Contributor
To be a bachelor or husband? A message to young men
To marry or not to marry? That is the question.
Obsessing over past evils that you can't change
The question that was posted was, “If you lived during the Holocaust, do you think you would have saved Jewish people?” As I read through the posts, I thought the discussion was interesting but ultimately missing the point.
How God delivered me from porn and perversion
To keep a long story short, I watched 13 videos that day. Over the next seven years, I viewed anywhere from half a million to a million pornos.
Today's pro-choicers don't shy away from killing
Battles cannot be waged and won by consistently staying in a defensive position. Arguably, the pro-life movement has been holding a defensive position since 1973. It is time for us to go on offense.
Hollywood's problem: Pushing propaganda, forsaking art
Hollywood is now so focused on pushing Leftist doctrine onto their audiences, that many of their projects are now nearly unwatchable.
The hollowness of intersectionality
It’s my contention the issue of intersectionality is a major contributing factor to the mental health and low self-esteem issues Americans suffer from today.
Black Lives Matter doesn’t care about black lives
The slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ is true. Of course the lives of black people matter. Human life is a sacred gift from God. That is not the debate or the issue. The question that arises is: Do black lives actually matter to Black Lives Matter?
The government was never meant to be anyone's savior
The government was never meant to be anyone’s savior. People who look to government for help and solutions in the end often receive incompetence, indecisiveness, and inaction.
4 Lessons from the Jussie Smollett saga
Former "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett has finally been sentenced. The three-year Smollett saga has truly been a wild one with jokes by Dave Chappelle (warning: contains profanity) and Charles Barkley, an emotional interview, laughable legal motions, and claims about suicidality. I have followed this whole drama from day one and I have compiled four lessons that we as individuals and society at large can and should take away from all this.
California dreamin’ to California leavin’
This once flourishing, desirable, incredible destination is now a decaying, repulsive, and horrible place. Why? Here are three reasons why people and companies have gone from California dreamin’ to California leavin.’