Today's pro-choicers don't shy away from killing

Earlier this year, I attended an event where I talked to an attendee. As she was laughing at one of my remarks, I noticed her “My Body, My Choice” wristband. She saw my gaze and asked me what my opinion was on abortion. To avoid confrontation at a lighthearted event, I meandered on how I thought different state legislatures would react to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She cut me off and asked me point blank, “Do you support abortion?” I told her “No. Abortion is murder and murder is evil.”
She brought up the talking point of rape and incest and asked me if I would make exceptions for that. My response: “Okay. Let’s make exceptions for rape and incest. Would you now support a ban on abortion?” Her response: “No.”
She then pivoted to the talking point of a hypothetical teenage girl who will be a single mother and has been kicked out of her home and has nowhere else to turn. My response: “There are plenty of churches and pro-life pregnancy centers that are ready, willing, and able to come to the aid of the father of the child, this new mother, and their child. This couple also had the option of practicing abstinence. And even if they didn’t want to practice abstinence, this couple could have used various forms of contraception or participated in every other sexual act other than penile/vaginal penetration.” She responded that churches and pregnancy centers need to stay out of people’s sexual lives and couples should be able to have any kind of sex they want.
She didn’t mention anything in regards to contraception.
She finally pivoted to a hypothetical woman who is about to give birth but if she goes through with delivering the child, she would die. My response: “Okay. Let’s make an exception for the cases where the woman’s life would be seriously harmed or ended. Would you then support an abortion ban?” She emphatically shook her head.
I then went on offense and asked her point-blank, “From my understanding, you support the killing of unborn babies for any reason and at any time. Is that correct?” She flashed the proudest of smiles and said, “Yes!.” She turned and walked away.
To be clear, I do not support any of the exceptions that I named. I am a staunch believer that abortion is murder and should be treated as such. I simply named those “exceptions” to prove my overall point: Abortion is about an unquenchable thirst for blood.
It was only 30 years ago when former President Bill Clinton coined the term “Safe, Legal, and Rare.” Even 15 years ago, Hillary Clinton shared that mantra. But now in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the cat could not possibly be more out of the bag.
The destigmatization of abortion was never about helping or empowering women. Baby killing proponents claim they are “pro-choice,” but when pro-lifers offer multiple choices to approach unwanted or unplanned pregnancies with abstinence, contraception, and adoption, these choices are rejected. This ultimately proves the only choice they really want to exist is the killing of babies for the sake of convenience.
In the conversations I’ve had and the numerous conversations I’ve witnessed, the same unjustifiable talking points are brought up. Overpopulation, rape, incest, financial strain, men forsaking their fatherly responsibilities, the slowing down of women’s careers, and others are all brought up to make those who are pro-life feel guilty and back down.
Battles cannot be waged and won by consistently staying in a defensive position. Arguably, the pro-life movement has been holding a defensive position since 1973. It is time for us to go on offense.
When the topic of “life” is brought up, anger often begins to rise in those who support baby murder.
Pro-choicers very often hate having these discussions and dislike having to answer certain questions. However, their dislike and discomfort are perfectly acceptable due to the severity of the subject.
At some point in the conversation, the questions of “Should murder be legal?”, “What is a life?”, and “When does a life begin?” are inevitable. If they answer these questions and stay rhetorically consistent, they are forced to admit aloud that abortion is the act of ending an innocent life and admit they are okay with it. Most people simply aren’t willing to profess that.
There’s a reason that past and present individuals and civilizations abhor murder. There’s a reason we see notorious serial killers like Myra Hindley, Charles Ng, Belle Gunness, and Harold Shipman as absolute monsters.
Unfortunately, even within the Church, there are pompous heretics like “Reverend” Al Sharpton and “Reverend” Raphael Warnock, and other “Christian” clergy and leaders who support baby murder and deliberately sow insidious deception. They attempt to use God’s word to push the idea that abortion is acceptable in the eyes of God.
As a side note, a person cannot be a “Christian” and pro-abortion. “Christians” cannot wholly accept God’s Holy Word and come to the conclusion of supporting the torturous murder of the unborn for any reason whatsoever.
As Christians, it is our job to stand up for righteousness. This is not an issue that we can afford to compromise on. Proverbs 6:17 tells us that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood”. There is no blood that is more innocent than that of the unborn. They are entirely helpless and it is up to us to fight for them and be their voice. The beginning of Genesis 4 is about Cain brutally murdering his brother. In verse 10, God tells Cain that Abel’s blood “cries out to me.” The blood of every single aborted baby cries out to Him.
Jesus speaks to us in John 10:10 and tells us that the thief came to steal, kill, and destroy while He came so that we may have abundant life.
The wicked insatiable desire for death must be outmatched by our insatiable desire for life. The impetus is upon us to tirelessly fight back tooth and nail. In a matter of decades, we have gone from “Safe, Legal, and Rare” to “Abortions. At any time. For any reason.”
This fight for the unborn is truly just beginning! And although this fight may feel and seem incredibly insurmountable, Psalm 127:3 tells us that children are a gift from God. With God’s providence, our unwavering perseverance, and our dutiful actions, imagine the number of unborn babies that will be allowed to experience God’s most sacred gift of life.
Solomon Green is the Opinion Manager of The Christian Post. His writings can be found on Thinkspot, Merion West, The Christian Post, and Medium. Send op-eds to: