Ex Ministries founder warns Black Lives Matter movement cannot be separated from organization

Pastor G. Craige Lewis, founder of Ex Ministries, is warning Christians to stop supporting the black lives matter movement, an unstructured protest against racial inequality, because it cannot be separated from the Black Lives Matter organization founded by three “lesbian witches.”
“If you are a born-again believer, you cannot be associated with BLM in any kind of way. You cannot promote it in any kind of way. I mean, I’ve passed by churches and seen BLM signs on there. Somebody doesn’t pray at all. Somebody doesn’t have a relationship with the Lord that I read in the Word,” Lewis, who is pastor of Adamant Believers Council in Grand Prairie, Texas, said Monday in a Facebook Live broadcast.
“Listen people, stay away from this BLM movement. Don’t fall for it; it’s pure emotional. It gets into your emotions that make you see things that aren’t true. They’re showing you things in the media that aren’t true. They are saying things that aren’t true. They are getting you riled up all to just pull you away from the God you serve,” he said.
In June, the Black Lives Matter movement was supported by two-thirds of U.S. adults across the racial spectrum with the strongest support coming from blacks, according to a Pew Research Center poll. The poll showed 86% support for the movement among blacks, 60% support among whites, 77% among Hispanics, and 75% support for the cause among Asians.
A new Politico-Morning Consult poll released Wednesday, however, shows support for the Black Lives Matter movement waning by nine points to a 52% favorable opinion among voters. Among Republican voters alone there was a 13-point drop.
Earlier this summer, J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, endorsed the black lives matter movement as a Gospel issue while denouncing the Black Lives Matter organization founded by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi in 2013. The Black Lives Matter organization gave rise to the movement.
“Black lives matter,” Greear said after acknowledging the SBC’s racist past in the wake of ongoing civil unrest over racial inequality following the death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis police officers on Memorial Day.
“I realize that the movement and the website have been hijacked by some political operatives whose worldview and policy prescriptions would be deeply at odds with my own, but that doesn’t mean that the sentiment behind it is untrue. I do not align myself with the Black Lives Matter organization,” Greear said, drawing the distinction.
In addition to pushing for racial equality, the Black Lives Matter organization says its goals are to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure," and "dismantle cisgender privilege." The organization also promotes ancestral worship. Lewis argues that because the movement was spawned from the work of the Black Lives Matter organization, the two groups cannot be separated.
“Their agenda is right before our eyes. It is a shame that so many churches, especially pastors and shepherds that are supposed to be leading God’s people, are leading them right into this witchcraft lesbian demonic movement called Black Lives Matter,” Lewis said.
“You cannot separate the movement from the founders. You cannot separate the movement from its intent. This was created to steer you away from God into ancestral worship, worship of color, worship of privilege. And this particular movement is even praying to the ancestors, pulling the spirits of the ancestors. All the things that God warned us not to do in the Word they are doing. It’s an anti-Christ, anti-God movement, and yet church people are embracing it because the word ‘black’ is in the Black Lives Matter movement’s title,” he said citing Scripture.
He further suggested that the distinction being made between the Black Lives Matter movement and the organization is just a ploy to gain support for the organization and its agenda.
“This is the biggest movement our African American community has seen and yet it has captured the hearts of so many because they’re trying to separate it. ‘Well, I don’t believe in the things they’re saying. I just believe that black lives matter,’” he said, mimicking the popular argument of many who say they don’t support the organization but support the movement.
“What you don’t understand it’s all intertwined,” Lewis insisted. “These beliefs are on their website. This is what they are leading you to. You cannot divorce the leadership of the movement from the movement. They created the movement. They are the founders. They created it for this purpose.”