Former pastor arrested for sending nude photos to teenager

James McMillan, the former pastor of Slaughterville Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Konawa in Oklahoma, who was arrested last month after he was accused of lewd or indecent acts with a child younger than 16, was arrested again on Monday for allegedly sending a nude photo of himself to a 14-year-old girl.
McMillan’s most recent arrest stems from an incident that happened in March 2023, KFOR reported. He is no longer pastoring at any church.
Citing court documents, the 14-year-old’s father said his daughter told him about the photo McMillan sent her and he reported him to local police. It wasn't until he reached out to an Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics officer in October that he saw any action on the case.
“My daughter had come to me and let me know that she had received a nude picture from a grown man,” the victim’s father recalled.
He explained that his daughter and McMillan’s son had previously attended school together, and his daughter believes McMillan likely used his son’s Snapchat account to look up her name because of her security settings. She eventually accepted a friend request from McMillan.
According to court documents, a friend of the teenage victim alleged that McMillan was a pedophile when she learned of his friend request. The victim countered the allegation, saying that she would screenshot any communication that crossed the line and report it to police.
McMillan soon sent the victim an unsolicited photo of himself flexing in a mirror, to which she responded something to the effect of “trying to get them gains.”
The former pastor then allegedly asked if she might “want to see more” and sent her his nude photo before she could respond.
“He just sent the fully nude picture,” the victim’s father said. “There was no request or anything like that for it.”
When McMillan later learned she was 14, he blocked her on Snapchat, which erased their messaging history. The teenager had the screenshot, however.
“He’s clearly proven that he has a problem with this and won’t, you know, won’t stop,” the victim’s father said. “He’s somebody that’s truly a danger to our society.”
Court documents cited by KOCO News 5 show that the former pastor has been listed as a sexual abuse suspect in multiple Department of Human Services and law enforcement cases dating back to 2003.
In the charges leveled against him in late November, McMillan allegedly unzipped his pants and touched himself in front of an underage minor while driving down a Cleveland County highway. His bond after his arrest on Monday was set at $450,000.
Lonnie Holland, who told KOCO News that he attended Slaughterville Baptist Church when McMillan became the lead pastor around 2018, said he wasn’t surprised by the arrests.
"This man needs to be locked up in prison where he can't have any more victims," Holland said. "He needs to be held accountable for what he has done."
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