It is more important to know who the messiah is than guess who the antichrist will be

In today’s world, humanity is desperately seeking someone with a strong hand to take the helm and bring about world peace—a leader who has the ability to compromise and appease every faction to stop all the madness.
But what character traits are truly needed to navigate the currents of public opinion that shape the world in which we live? For the past 2,000 years, people have anxiously tried to analyze who the Antichrist might be and when he might be revealed. If you’re not careful, you can get caught up in the debate—or worse, you can be deceived.
To complicate matters, we now live in an era when, for the first time, we have the possibility of an artificial intelligence Antichrist, a human-computer hybrid that will demand to be worshipped. Have you ever wondered if it’s OK to have Alexa, Siri and other forms of AI in your home? We know that the Bible says great deception is coming, so what is a concerned believer to do?
It’s critical to understand the modus operandi of the Antichrist so you won’t be deceived, rather than just try to figure out who he might be. There are no bonus points for being the first one to figure out who he is. Of bigger concern is knowing his tactics and his motivation. Will we know when he has left his fingerprints? This is a much better approach.
Knowing God’s Handprint
It’s also important to look for the handprints of the Almighty. In Bible times, most Gentiles had no foundation in biblical truth and were totally immersed in the Greek philosophy of their day, following either the Epicurean or the Stoic philosophers, as mentioned by the apostle Paul in the Book of Acts.
For the Stoics, the big question was, “What is truth?” This is still one of the biggest problems existing in the church today—the death grip of the Greek philosophical mindset that has permeated all of Western civilization and the church for the past 2,000 years. We follow Plato’s thinking more than Peter’s.
God says there is a powerful delusion coming. Too often Christians get caught up in trying to figure out the date of the rapture or who the Antichrist is, and they end up arguing with other Christians over when everything will take place, which doesn’t accomplish anything for the Kingdom. They think having the right answer is their ticket to heaven. I would rather be ready for the Messiah’s coming and wrong on the timing than be right on the timing and not be prepared!
Beware of Blindness
Isaiah 25:7 tells us that a time is coming when God will remove the veil from over all nations. In John Chapter 9, Jesus warned the religious leaders of His day that they were blind yet they were claiming they could see.
First Corinthians 13:12 plainly states that we see through a glass darkly and only know in part. In Romans 11, Paul states that Israel is also blinded in part. The first group to humble itself and look out of both lenses will be able to see the clear picture!
We need to be rooted and grounded in biblical truth and not caught up in all the madness of our society that is being pushed upon us by the media.
As Mordecai asked Esther: “Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14, NKJV). You could have lived in any period of history, but God chose you for such a time as this. The best is always saved for last. You have been chosen to live during the most prophetic times of all history!
Mark Biltz is founder of El Shaddai Ministries and a well-known and popular commentator on the feasts of the Lord. His new book, “Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times: What the Bible Says and What the Future Holds,” will be released March 5, and he is also the author of “Blood Moons” and “God’s Day Timer.” His research and theories have led to guest appearances on radio, television and magazine covers nationwide.