Alexander J. Sheffrin
Christian Post Reporter
Boy Threatened by School Officials over Anti-Abortion Shirts
A Christian legal group is suing a middle school in Hutchinson, Minn., in federal court over the right of a 12-year-old boy to wear pro-life t-shirts in school.
Calif. Senate Mulls Assisted Suicide Bill
It may soon become legal for doctors and nurses in California to “help” their patients die if a new assisted suicide bill passes through the state senate.
Calif. May See Gay 'Marriage' Boom, Study Says
The recent ruling by the California Supreme Court to legalize gay “marriage” could provide a $370 million boost to the economy over the next three years, according to a recent study.
Impact of Calif. Gay Marriage Ruling Overhyped, Experts Say
The decision by the California Supreme Court to legalize gay “marriage” two weeks ago may not have as large a national impact as expected, according to experts.
How Christians Should Cope with the Loss of a Family Member
As Christians respond with prayers and condolences after the sudden death of Maria Chapman – the adopted daughter of Christian music star Steven Curtis Chapman – in a car accident this Wednesday, many Christian families have been left wondering how any family, even their own, can best cope in such a tragic situation.
Pro-Family Groups Hail Court Ruling on Child Pornography
Pro-family groups celebrated the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday to solidify a ruling on child pornography.
Calif. Gay 'Marriage' Ruling Could Have Huge Impact, Experts Say
Last week, after California’s high court overturned the state’s ban on gay “marriage,” floods of media reports began analyzing the court ruling’s impact and historical implications.
Christian Groups Vow to Fight Calif. Gay 'Marriage' Ruling
Christians of all walks of life are responding to the decision by the California Supreme Court to legalize gay “marriage” Thursday with a rallying cry to fight the ruling by any means necessary.
Calif. Court Says 'Yes' to Gay 'Marriage'
In what was a day of shame for pro-family groups everywhere, the California Supreme Court ruled 4-3 Thursday morning to join Massachusetts as the second state to recognize same-sex 'marriage.'
UC Berkeley Staff Face Lawsuit Over Pro-Evolution Bias
Staff members at the University of California-Berkeley are being sued in court over a pro-evolution Web site, hosted by the school’s science program, that ridicules religious denominations that do not agree with evolution.