Special Series

Trump 2.0: A weekly review of the president’s second term

A recap of the Trump administration's most impactful actions this week.

Christian nationalism: What it is, what it isn’t and why it matters — a guide for people of faith

During this very animated and contentious election season there have been numerous attempts to frighten and mislead voters with the specter of a theocratic movement they have labelled “Christian Nationalism.”

Politics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today

The Christian Post's year-long article series "Politics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today" analyzes issues pertaining to election integrity and new ways of getting out the vote, including churches participating in ballot collection. The project also touches on how Evangelical involvement in politics has evolved from the Moral Majority movement of the 1980s to more organized, yet fractured efforts to mobilize Christian voters today.