Alexander J. Sheffrin
Christian Post Reporter
'Expelled' Filmmakers Sued Over Lennon Song
As Ben Stein’s pro-intelligent design documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” soars into history as one of the most successful documentary films of all time, the producers of the film have found themselves threatened with a lawsuit – part of what they claim is the latest in a series of attacks against the film and the message it represents.
Pro-Family Groups Call Review On Abstinence 'Biased'
Christians and proponents of federal abstinence programs cried foul over what they claimed was a biased attempt to write off federal abstinence until marriage programs as ineffective and damaging to the health of youth.
Pro-Family Groups Make Way for Calif. Gay 'Marriage' Ban
A coalition of pro-family groups have achieved their goal of gathering 1.1 million signatures to petition for a measure that would effectively outlaw same-sex “marriage” in the state of California.
Christians Find Alternatives to Pro-Gay 'Day of Silence'
This Friday, thousands of students across the nation will participate in what has become known as 'The Day of Silence' – a vow among students to remain silent throughout the day in recognition and protest of the perceived 'silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies in schools.'
'Expelled' Explodes into Top 10 Box Office
“Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” the pro-intelligent design documentary featuring actor Ben Stein, made history this weekend as it propelled full speed into the top 10 box office. It opened as the widest and one of the most commercially successful releases for any documentary film.
Ohio Teacher Refuses to Remove Bible From Classroom
An Ohio school teacher of over 20 years has come under attack recently by school administrators because of a Bible that he has kept on his desk for his entire career.
Okla. Legislature Overrides Veto to Restrict Abortions
In what was only the second time in the past 14 years of the state’s history, the Oklahoma legislature voted overwhelmingly this week to override a veto by a sitting Governor.
'Expelled' Set to Release Amid Wave of Attacks
As the pro-intelligent design documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” launches full throttle into over 1,000 theaters this Friday, its producers are no doubt feeling a strong sense of anticipation and anxiety.
Football Coach's Prayer with Students Ruled Unconstitutional
A football coach of over 20 years and one time recipient of the USA Today's 'Caring Coach of the Year' award, has come under attack recently for his practice of holding prayer sessions with his students before games.
Fla. Lawmakers to Vote on Ultrasound Bill
Pro-life groups shared a moment of celebration this week as they witnessed the Florida Senate Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee vote positively on what may soon be the biggest change to abortion laws in the state of Florida in nearly a decade.