Alexander J. Sheffrin
Christian Post Reporter
Alveda King Calls Abortion 'Racist'
Dr. Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke out powerfully Monday against abortion and in favor of the forces of life, as she called abortion 'selfish,' 'racist,' and among the worst inhumanities of our times.
Idaho Passes Anti-Coercion Abortion Law
Idaho became one of the first states in the nation last week to make into law what pro-life groups described as a 'historic' victory in the battle for the rights of women and the unborn.
UCLA Prolifers Accuse Planned Parenthood of Racism, Minority Targeting
A pro-life student group at UCLA has released a series of shocking videos over the past few weeks that it claims proves that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of surgical abortions, is racist and deliberately targets minority groups for abortions.
N.Y. Town Registers Same-Sex Domestic Partnerships
The Town of Ithaca, N.Y., has become the newest addition to the list of cities that began registering same-sex domestic partnerships.
High Court Justice Says Right to Abortion Nowhere in Constitution
During a visit to law students at Roger Williams University this week, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the right to an abortion exists no where in the constitution.
McDonald's Draws Criticisms Over Pro-Gay Move
McDonald’s has come under attack recently over what critics claim to be a high-profile endorsement of homosexuality.
Prominent Pro-Life Group Backs McCain
The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest and most influential pro-life organization, has announced the “unanimous” decision by its board of directors to back Republican presidential hopeful John McCain.
Planned Parenthood Registers Record Abortions, Profits
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading provider of surgical abortions, registered the largest number of abortions on record last year, according to its latest report.
Proposed Bible Park Struggles to Raise Support
A proposed Bible Park to open in Murfreesboro, Tenn., is drawing fierce opposition from opponents who claim the park will bring a host of unwanted problems to the community such as traffic congestion, noise, and unwanted commercialism.
Pro-Family Group Says Effort to Ban Calif. Gay 'Marriage' Looks 'Strong'
As the California Supreme Court weighs the legal arguments over same-sex ”marriage,” pro-family coalitions are continuing in their efforts to collect signatures to pull forward the “California Marriage Protection Act.”