Andrea Madambashi
Christian Post Correspondent
Repentant Christian Thief Returns Money and Apologizes to Victims in Brazil
An unidentified thief, who stole from a house in Tatuí, Sao Paulo in Brazil, has stunned police after he returned the money and left an apology letter. The thief claimed to be an evangelical Christian, explaned the reason he committed the crime, and furthermore gave tips on how the owners could better protect their home.
Christian UFC Fighter Vitor Belfort to Release Book About His Faith and Success
Brazilian Ultimate Fighting Championship fighter, Vitor Belfort, who recently had his rematch against Wanderlei Silva canceled because of an injury to his hand, will launch a motivational book this month through Thomas Nelson Brazil. The book talks about his faith, success and remarkable experiences inside and outside the octagon.
Over 250,000 Evangelicals March for Jesus in Rio to Stand Up for Religious Freedom
The March for Jesus took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, gathering around 250,000 people, according to military police reports.
'Inclusive' Gay Church Numbers in Brazil Grossly Exaggerated, Claims Researcher
A Brazilian apologist has said that a recent report released by BBC Brazil on April 27 grossly overestimates the number of members attending "all-inclusive" churches in the country.
New 'All Inclusive' Gay Churches in Brazil Being Called an 'Apostasy'
Churches willing to overlook traditional scriptural beliefs with regards to homosexuality are experiencing growth in Brazil, according to a new report. However, they are being criticized by evangelical and Catholic Churches in the country as watering down scripture, with one apologist even calling them an "apostasy."
Christian Leaders Unite to Protect Marriage and Religious Freedom
Dozens of religious leaders have joined together to pen an open letter Jan. 12, to protect marriage and religious freedom in the United States.
Hispanic Christian Leaders Encourage Young Latinos to Vote
Hispanic evangelical leaders are encouraging young Latinos to vote in the U.S. presidential election in November in a call for “comprehensive and fair” immigration reform.
Brazilian Big Brother Show Chooses Evangelical Christians as Contestants
The popular reality show in Brazil, Big Brother Brazil (BBB), which draws the attention of millions of viewers each day, has selected more conventional participants for the 2012 edition, including evangelical Christians.
Brazil President Sets Example for Women in Politics
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has been an inspiration to women in politics since she surprised many with her positive and successful start in government.
Children Sold by Parents to Beg on Streets Over Christmas
Children are being sold to gangs of thugs by parents during this Christmas season to work as beggars on the streets of Tegucigalpa, Central District in Honduras.