Chris Bolinger
Voices Contributor
3 Things You May Not Know About the Old Testament
Roughly three-fourths of the Bible is found in the Old Testament. Most Christians, however, spend the bulk of their Bible-reading time in the New Testament. If you're one of them, then you may not be intimately familiar with what was, in the time of Jesus, the entire Bible. Here are three things that you may not know about the Old Testament.
3 Tips for More Regular Bible Reading
Here are three things that I learned that should help you in your quest for more regular time in God's Word.
5 Reasons Why We Struggle to Read the Bible Regularly
Most U.S. Christians are not regular Bible readers. They want to be, but they're not. Here are five reasons why we struggle to read the Bible regularly.
4 Reasons to Read the Bible More Often
If you've been a Christian for a while, then you've been told, encouraged, and even begged to read your Bible regularly, preferably every day. But you may not have been told why.