Chuck Colson
Christian Post Guest Columnist
The Mayflower Compact and what 'city on a hill' meant
Between stuffing, the turkey and watching football, we ought to make sure our children and grandchildren understand the Christian roots of this holiday, which are often downplayed in school.
Chuck Colson's final address
But elections can’t solve the problem. We’ve got the problem that our culture has been decaying from the inside for 30 or 40 years, and politics is nothing but an expression of culture. So how do you fix the culture? Culture is actually formed by the belief system of the people, by the cult, which was what the Church has been historically.
Chuck Colson on 'radical gratitude'
A posture of gratitude is one that recognizes whose world this actually is, and how we fit in God’s overarching plan to make all things new.
MLK Day: Remember King's Defense of Moral Law
I'm Eric Metaxas. Today on BreakPoint we re-present Chuck Colson's commentary on Martin Luther King Day and Dr. King's dramatic defense of the moral law.
In Celebration of Labor: The Value of a Good Day's Work
The bumper sticker read, "I owe. I owe. It's off to work I go." Well, that's what many – including many Christians – think of work.
Reflections on My Father: Hard Work and Honesty
As this Father's Day approaches, I've been thinking a lot about my own dad, and how blessed I was to have him in my life. I was born during the Depression; by today's standards, I guess you'd say we grew up in fairly deprived circumstances. I just didn't know it.
Wrongful Birth?
We've all heard of wrongful death lawsuits, but can a doctor be sued for wrongful birth? Evidently, the answer is yes.
Sin Taxes vs. Sin Subsidies: Redefining Bad Behavior
If you think today's world disbelieves in sin, think again. But just wait 'til you hear what it says sin isn't.
Prepare to Give an Answer
We know we will be asked what we think of homosexuality and so-called gay "marriage." So we need to prepare now for what we'll say then. If we are caught off-guard without knowing what to say, shame on us.
Foolishness in Federal Prisons
What do you get when ideology drives federal policy? Dangerous foolishness.