Chuck Lawless
CP Guest Contributor
7 reasons even pastors don’t pray like they should
I wish I could say that every local church pastor is a great prayer warrior — but multiple studies over the years have shown that’s not the case.
When waiting on God is really hard
God listened to my prayers for 47 years before He answered them.
Why I started studying spiritual warfare: Domestic abuse in childhood
When you know a very real spiritual enemy wants to deceive, distract, and destroy you and your family, you’ll pray more.
Reflections 50 years after my baptism as a believer
One week prior to my baptism, God made me His child when I gave my life to Him the best way I knew how as a 13-year-old.
The wisest thing I ever heard a student say
For young pastors in the class who aspired for more recognition, the words challenged them at a heart level.
12 things I would do differently if I were starting ministry again
This month, I celebrated 43 years in full-time ministry. It’s hard to believe I’ve been at this work that long — maybe because most of the years have been great joys. Here are some things I would do differently, though, if I were starting again
One of my biggest regrets in ministry
As I think back on 40+ years of ministry, including 14 years of lead pastoring, here is one of my biggest regrets.
A surprising first step toward strengthening your evangelism
Over more than 40 years of ministry, I’ve learned that not many Christians share their faith on a regular basis.
8 reasons some young people are walking away from their faith
What reasons would you add to this list? What’s been your experience?
An urgent plea to churches
I admit it: I’m pleading with church leaders with this post. I’m pleading on behalf of 19 million people in the United States.