Dan Delzell
The day God burns up the earth
You are probably aware of this monumental fact: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). But are you also aware that one day God will destroy the heavens and the earth with fire?
Why Andy Stanley shouldn't use the label ‘LGBTQ children’
Always remember: It is unwise, and even dangerous, to label or identify yourself by your strongest temptation. Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins and set us free to live a new life.
Replacing astrology with theology generates supernatural contentment
If you replace astrology with theology, you won’t regret it! Many Christians have already done so, and the result is supernatural contentment.
How Andy Stanley unhitched himself from New Testament theology
It was Andy and Andy alone who chose to unhitch himself from New Testament theology. So don’t believe everything you think. And don’t teach anything that contradicts the Word of God.
Are your fingerprints in Heaven’s database of offenders?
As an ambassador for the King of Kings, I strongly urge you to forsake conventional wisdom, and rely instead upon God’s wisdom.
NASA telescopes peer deep into the 'second Heaven'
Looking at a distant star on a telescope image can excite an astronomer, but looking at the bright Morning Star with a heart of faith will save your soul in time and for eternity.
Will you file for spiritual bankruptcy in time?
You have two options: You can joyfully embrace Jesus today as your wonderful Savior, or dreadfully face Christ on Judgment Day as your righteous Judge.
Why 20/20 gender vision doesn’t cure spiritual blindness
And then you have those people who are blessed with 20/20 gender vision, but who nevertheless suffer from spiritual blindness.
How to protect your heart from your sinful nature
What is the difference between your heart and your sinful nature?
How to properly apply law and Gospel
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit changes hearts and transforms lives when Christians, including ministers of the Gospel, properly apply Law and Gospel.