Dan Delzell
How to be reconciled to God
If you will humble yourself at the foot of the cross and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, (see John 1:12) you can personally be reconciled to God today.
Does your sinful nature still control you?
Believers in Christ experience no peace in the basement. Everything we do downstairs grieves the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, Jesus eagerly awaits our return to the living room where our fellowship with Him will once again be joyful and refreshing.
Spirit-filled Christianity far surpasses bland religious rituals
I am simply pointing out that some people seem extremely committed to their religious rituals, yet almost robotic in their religious approach.
The Gospel is God's spiritual dynamite
Why do you suppose sin hardens man’s heart to the claims of Christ and to the truth of the Gospel?
When God comes to live inside you
But what if it isn’t already within you? That is to say, what if your soul is devoid of the divine until the Creator of the Universe takes up residence within you?
The clever maternity test that rescued an abducted baby
If we lack compassion for children, including the unborn, we resemble the pretender who lied to King Solomon and cared only for herself. What about you?
Why atheists and Christians should never trust themselves
Whose outlook do you suppose always lines up with reality? Your own personal opinions or the Creator’s worldview? Your answer to that question will serve as the foundation for the rest of your life on Earth.
The free gift of the water of life
Will you insist on rejecting God’s offer, or will you humble yourself and come to the Lord today?
Were you purchased for God with Christ’s blood?
Even though the Bible states that “Christ died for sins once for all” (1 Peter 3:18), multitudes of people do not yet believe that Jesus shed his blood for their sins. And “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).
Why antinomianism, judgmentalism are incompatible with Christian discipleship
Are you walking in obedience today, or has your spiritual life been decimated by antinomianism or judgmentalism?