Dan Hart
Op-Ed Contributor
8 out of 10 teenagers expect to cohabitate, study finds
This latest study on cohabitation shows that we believers have our work cut out for us. While combatting the lies of the sexual revolution is important, it is perhaps more effective to witness to the beauty of God’s laws and the tangible ways that they bring happiness and joy to our own marriages and families.
The limits of human happiness: The danger of trying to find our identity in our feelings
The right to act on strongly-held feelings — no matter how it may affect others — has become an idol in our culture, and the damage that this causes is plain to see.
5 ways to give the gift of yourself this season
There is a different — and perhaps better — way of gift giving that doesn’t necessarily involve spending money on material things. Here are five ideas on how we can give the gift of ourselves to others this season.
From eating to dining: How shared meals reveal what it means to be human
Families and households are putting less of an emphasis on one of the most fundamental pillars of family and communal life — a shared meal.
Thinking biblically about freedom
To be a Christian citizen of America is to be a person of trust. We harness the opportunities that American freedom gives us by witnessing to the Gospel and leave the rest up to God. What could be more freeing than that?
How to prevent divorce before it happens
Despite the clear teaching of Christ against divorce (except in the most serious of circumstances) in Mark 10:2-12 and Matthew 19:3-9, divorce is astonishingly common among believers.
Why Christians 'Admonish the Sinner,' And What That Really Means
It was recently reported that Christopher Hitchens, the famous atheist apologist and author, "was contemplating conversion" around the time of his death in 2011. If one is familiar with the vehemence that Hitchens often derided Christianity, this is quite a surprise.