George Barna
Rethinking your relationship with the Church
In the end, God will hold you responsible for what you choose to believe and how you live. On Judgment Day, you will not escape responsibility for bad choices by pointing the finger at a pastor who proposed those beliefs or behaviors.
Most parents have worldview confusion. Is it any wonder that kids do too?
New research from the American Worldview Inventory conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reveals that children’s disregard for their parents often has to do with the worldview confusion caused by the parents.
Anticipating Gen Z and 'bridgers'
God’s plan for us is like a complex puzzle in which every piece has just one proper location and brings beauty and greater clarity to the ultimate puzzle. Rejecting or replacing any piece ruins the perfection of the puzzle and robs us of the joy of experiencing it in its fullness.
The daunting journey of Millennials
Because worldview is the basis of all choices we make, a wrong worldview produces bad choices. The answer to our national dilemma will not be found in Washington, D.C. It will be found in God’s words to His people and their willingness to live in harmony with those principles.
Millennials are not a pro-life generation. Here's the data
The Court’s ultimate decision, whatever it may be, will not satisfy everyone—or, perhaps, even a majority of Americans. But for biblically informed Christians, the abortion issue is not about pleasing a majority of the public or persuading a majority of jurists; it is a matter of understanding and obeying God’s principles and standing for His truth.
Most Americans think they have a biblical worldview. But do they?
A biblical worldview enables you to think like Jesus so that you can live like Jesus. Because your worldview is the filter through which you make all of your decisions, developing a biblical worldview is one of the foundations of a truly Christian life.
Mid-Term Election Update: No Blue Wave, But No Red Surprise Either
As the November General Election draws closer, the nature of this year's "mid-term" election is taking shape. A new survey by the non-partisan American Culture and Faith Institute, directed by George Barna, provides some new insights into where things stand today – and what those conditions might mean for the November outcome.
The Disengaged Are Destroying America
There is no shortage of emotion on the part of the two-thirds of American adults who harbor strong feelings about the condition and direction of the country. During the past decade, in particular, activist conservatives and liberals have been feverishly pushing their ideals and desires for the nation in full view of the public.
The Economy and Defense Sustain Trump's Evangelical Support
Donald Trump holds onto Evangelical support despite the media thrashings.
Most Millennials Are Not Pro-Life
A recent national survey conducted by the American Culture & Faith Institute evaluated people's views about abortion from a variety of angles. It did not arrive at the optimistic view that many in the pro-life movement have projected.