Jerry Newcombe
Crime and no punishment
What horrors Marxism has unleashed on planet earth. Yet it continues to exert its demonic influence. These magistrates, many funded by George Soros, are among the latest examples.
What do Americans really think about abortion?
We pray that the Supreme Court will reconsider the grievous error their predecessors made in 1973, and turn abortion regulation back into the hands of the states, which is much closer to “we the people.”
Is the Salvation Army going woke?
Of course, racism is a horrific evil. But some critics are concerned that rather than responding to actual racism, The Salvation Army had aligned itself ideologically with the Black Lives Matter organization, which leverages unfalsifiable and amorphous charges of “systemic racism” to drive racial grievances.
400 years of Thanksgiving in America
The hymn “We Gather Together” has a later line that observes, “So from the beginning, the fight we were winning, Thou, Lord, wast at our side, all glory be Thine.” Happy Thanksgiving!
Former architect of the American abortion industry speaks out against it
One-time notorious abortion doctor and key architect of the abortion movement, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, is speaking from the grave. His message: Embrace life.
The American experiment
The Founding Fathers took and extended the Pilgrims’ concept of liberty under God. Our 40th president added: “Oh, there have been revolutions before and since ours. But those revolutions simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. Ours was a revolution that changed the very concept of government.” And for that, all Americans should be full of thanksgiving.
The Pilgrims learned of socialism’s dangers: Why can’t we?
Isn’t it time humanity learned this repeated lesson from history once and for all? Socialism never ceases to fail everywhere it is tried.
The conversion of the great CS Lewis—captured on film
I got to see a sneak peek of the film, and I thought it was well done. It is truly a breath of fresh air in our day of seemingly endless bad news.
The Marxist move to cancel Jefferson
In my humble opinion, the most enduring legacy of Jefferson is that he helped set the framework by which the slaves could be free one day. As the author of the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, he made it clear that our rights come from the Creator.
The primary stakeholder in schools: Parents or educrats?
But the Left is pushing back. Perhaps the most galling thing about this debate is the arrogance of the educrats who think they are the ones who should be responsible for the education of the children—not the parents.