Jerry Newcombe

Jerry Newcombe

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • As a Nation, We Have Forgotten God

    As a Nation, We Have Forgotten God

    When I was a kid, there was an expression: "Stop the world. I want to get off." Glancing at the headlines sometimes make me feel that way. Why is America seemingly sinking into the abyss?

  • Immigrants Should Turn Back, America Stinks, According to the Left

    Immigrants Should Turn Back, America Stinks, According to the Left

    Those poor people at the southern border. So many of them are risking their lives to try and get what they think is a better life here in America. They don't realize how bad things are here. They haven't been exposed to the constant America-bashing message coming from the liberal institutions that dominate our schools, our culture, our entertainment, and even our museums.

  • A Compassionate Response to the Transgender Issue

    A Compassionate Response to the Transgender Issue

    Barely a week goes by without some news about the transgender issue. Recently, some declared that babies should be called "theybies"—since we don't know whether they're male or female until they decide for themselves.

  • Don't Let Them Bork Judge Kavanaugh

    Don't Let Them Bork Judge Kavanaugh

    Soon the Senate will hold hearings as to whether or not to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. One can only imagine the fireworks to come.

  • 5 Reasons I Think Roe v. Wade Should Be Overturned

    5 Reasons I Think Roe v. Wade Should Be Overturned

    Abortion is the Holy Grail to the American left. It dominates all over considerations. Far be it from any Supreme Court justice to try and overturn "Roe v. Wade." One reason I believe it should be overturned: the court decision was based on lies.

  • Who Died and Made the Supreme Court God?

    Who Died and Made the Supreme Court God?

    To hear some liberals tell it, you would think that America is finished as a nation with the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. The founders created an experiment where "we the people" would govern ourselves. But in recent decades the high court has taken upon itself more power than King George III could possibly have lusted after.

  • 'Suffer the Little Children' — Are Kids Just Pawns in the Immigration Crisis?

    'Suffer the Little Children' — Are Kids Just Pawns in the Immigration Crisis?

    Ironically, the United States has one of the most generous immigration policies of any nation on earth. So says Heritage Foundation scholar Hans von Spakovsky. But you wouldn't know it from all the recent headlines.

  • Supreme Court Cake Decision Aligns With Most Americans

    Supreme Court Cake Decision Aligns With Most Americans

    To hear some liberals discuss the Colorado baker case last week, you would have thought it was "Cake-ageddon." In cases not involving sexuality, this issue would be obvious. As one colleague noted, "Should a black printer be forced against his will to print up fliers for the KKK? Should an orthodox Jewish deli owner be forced to serve ham sandwiches?" Yet the absolutists favoring same-sex rights allowed for no freedom of conscience in this area.

  • Has Connecticut Betrayed Its Rich Contribution to the Constitution?

    Has Connecticut Betrayed Its Rich Contribution to the Constitution?

    There are plans afoot, including by politicians in Connecticut, to effectively abolish the Electoral College. It's a plan for liberals to hitherto control the presidency.

  • Shall the Geeks Inherit the Earth?

    Shall the Geeks Inherit the Earth?

    Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. But today, could it be that the "geeks" of Silicon Valley are instead trying to inherit the earth?