Jim Denison
Op-ed Contributor
Adapted from Dr. Jim Denison’s daily cultural commentary at www.denisonforum.org. Jim Denison, Ph.D., is a cultural apologist, building a bridge between faith and culture by engaging contemporary issues with biblical truth. He founded the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture in February 2009 and is the author of seven books, including “Radical Islam: What You Need to Know.” For more information on the Denison Forum, visit www.denisonforum.org. To connect with Dr. Denison in social media, visit www.twitter.com/jimdenison or www.facebook.com/denisonforum.
Leadership advice for Advent and all the days that follow
Because he knew that he served at God’s command for the sake of God’s people, he was free to seek God’s leadership and to trust God’s purposes.
Average age of empires is 250 years. The US is 4 years away
I am not predicting the demise of the United States of America, but I would remind you that the average age of empires is 250 years, an age our nation will reach in four years.
Will al-Qaeda attack America again?
As I noted in my 2011 book, Radical Islam: What You Need to Know, Al-Qaeda and similar jihadists are convinced that America has been attacking the Muslim world since the Crusades. They consider the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948 to be a theft of land from its rightful Muslim owners and see our support for Israel as complicity in this attack. Since Americans are citizens of a democracy, they view us as part of this “assault” on Islam.
What would God want America to do in Afghanistan?
In the context of the fall of Afghanistan, what role should America have played in defending those who were likely to become victims of the Taliban without our support? Are we to be the “policemen of the world”?
What does God think of the Taliban?
Who are the Taliban? What does God think about them? How should we respond biblically to them?
Are wildfires and drought the judgment of God? An urgent lesson for every follower of Jesus
With all our scientific advances, we cannot stop droughts or prevent wildfires. With all our medical expertise, we cannot yet end the present pandemic or forecast the next one. We may live longer on average, but none of us are guaranteed another day. However, I do not sense true urgency among many Christians in America. We may believe theologically that Jesus could return tomorrow or we could die today, but we need to translate this belief into practice.
Why the crisis in Cuba is personal for me: 'Human history is, in essence, a history of ideas.'
The Cuban ministries with whom we partner truly manifest New Testament Christianity. With very few resources and in the face of escalating pressure and persecution, they are serving Jesus in courageous and transformative ways. My love for the Cubans and their beautiful island makes the news of recent days especially personal for me.
The latest on the building collapse in Florida: 3 biblical ways to prepare for an uncertain future
We are to be “filled” and empowered by the Spirit every day (Ephesians 5:18). We need the strength of Jesus for every moment (Philippians 4:13). Connect with your Source now, for you will need His power later today.
Should prostitution be legalized? Using secular truth to advance spiritual truth
In his sermon, “Learning in War-Time,” C. S. Lewis stated: “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” For Christians seeking to influence our secular culture, this often entails utilizing secular arguments for spiritual ends.
Play depicts Jesus as transgender: 4 temptations and amazing story of courage
It is a sign of our times that what was once shocking is becoming less so every day. For example, a Scottish teachers union is promoting a play depicting Jesus Christ as transgender in celebration of Pride Month.