John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
The Extraordinary Backstory of Britten's 'Ceremony of Carols'
Christianity has been the inspiration of the West's greatest art — in ancient times and even in the middle of World War II.
Tell Congress and Trump to Protect Egyptian Christians
As a politician friend of mine says, "When folks feel the heat they see the light." It's time for the Egyptian government to see the light about protecting Christians.
Born-Again Babies Expose the Insanity of Abortion
Did you know that babies can be born again? No, it's not theology I'm talking about but science, and the implications are enormous.
3 Problems With Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Laws
When it comes to religious freedom, we face two equal and opposite temptations. But neither will do in the face of our current challenges.
Why Ohio's New Anti-Abortion Measure Could Be a Big Deal
Will Roe v. Wade always be the law of the land? Some Ohio legislators don't think so. Here's news about that state's "heartbeat" law and why it matters.
Dear Teens, Virginity Is Good for You
Teens who abstain from sex are healthier than those who don't. Once again, research backs up the life-giving moral claims of a Christian worldview.
Christian Serving Others Gets Noticed by The New York Times
When Christians live as Jesus told us to do, loving God and serving others, folks notice. Even the New York Times!
Christians Under the Gun in Egypt
The end of the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt meant big changes. But just not for the country's beleaguered Christians.
How Advent Can Shape Your Worldview
It is time to prepare for Christmas. But I don't mean at the shopping mall. I mean sacred preparation.
Post-Truth, the Word of the Year
Is our culture losing touch with reality? The folks who pick the official "word of the year" think so.