John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Pokemon Go at the Holocaust Museum?
The good news is people are leaving their screens inside to go outside. The bad news? When they're outside, they're still staring at screens.
Kill Your Kids Before They're Subjected to Violence? Planned Parenthood's Descent Into Self-Parody
Exploiting a national tragedy about killing to advocate more killing is indefensible. But that's what Planned Parenthood did.
The Last Twitchings Of Flabby Liberalism
The Supreme Court followed its decision on the Texas abortion law by refusing to hear a case on the religious freedom of pharmacists. Are you discouraged?
The Supremes Strike Down Women's Safety
Monday's Supreme Court ruling on Texas's abortion law was a setback for the pro-life cause. But not as big of a setback as some would have you believe.
Just What Is an Evangelical Anyway?
Recent conferences, books, blogs, and articles have me wondering whether "evangelical" still means what it used to mean.
Cisgender: How Liberals Use Language as a Cultural Weapon
Words have great power. They shape how we think about ourselves and the world. Even silly, made up words.
Listen: Powerful New Hymn Reminds Us of the Christian Mission
The last instructions Jesus left His Church should shape our worship. I'll tell you about a new hymn that restores our mission to our music.
Evangelicals: Don't Feel Angst Over Declining Clout
We Evangelicals find ourselves in what could fairly be called a "difficult" cultural moment. Here's a hint about our response: Hand-wringing isn't the answer.
Orlando Shooting Reminds Christians to Embody the Love of Christ
Christians ought proclaim the love of Christ with our lips, and in our lives. And the events in Orlando underscore how the two must never be separated.
People With Disabilities Aren't Better Off Dead
In a new film audiences are taught it's better and maybe even more romantic to die than to live with a disability. Some qualified voices strongly protest.