John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Which Christianity Is in Decline?
It may look like a church, sing like a church, have stained-glass like a church, and call itself a church, but be careful: It might not be a church.
Olympic's Transgender Rules Unfair to Women Athletes
Transgender rights march on; this time, onto the field of competitive athletics. But in the name of fairness, fairness is being threatened.
4 Christian Lessons From Lake Wobegon as Garrison Keillor Says Farewell
Garrison Keillor is soon walking off stage, but there's much we can learn from his God-haunted and persistently excellent career.
The Indictment of David Daleiden: Culture of Death Shoots the Messenger
There's finally an indictment relating to Planned Parenthood's selling of body parts. So why are the forces of death celebrating?
J. I. Packer's Christian Journey ... and Ours
How will we react in the face of disease, adversity, or suffering? The answer has everything to do with how well we know God.
Christian Humility, Climate Change and Supervolcanoes
If you worry about climate change, here's something that ought to grab your attention.
Christian Alternatives to Obamacare
There's good news and bad news on the U.S. healthcare situation. The bad news: costs are still rising. The good?
Prayer Sounds Crazy; Why Do It?
When it comes to Facebook and Twitter, I typically try not to feed the trolls. But today, I'm going to break that policy, or at least bend it.
The Poverty of Powerball
There are some taxes that folks just love. And in the last two weeks, people have been scrambling to pay one of them. I'm talking about Powerball.
Will Smith's 'Concussion' Highlights Christian Perseverance
America's favorite sport can be brutal. And a Christian doctor's quest to save football players' lives is the subject of a moving new film.