John Stonestreet and Jared Hayden
Bubble-Wrapping Our Kids
Protecting young people from emotional harm is a noble aim, but have we gone a bit overboard?
Can Christians Abandon Culture to Save Souls?
Is the mission of the Church dealing with culture, or saving souls?
Pro-Lifers Winning by Loving Their Neighbors
The pro-life movement is making enormous gains and preparing the cultural ground for lasting political change, too. But we're not there yet.
Buzzfeed, Time Magazine and Model Airplane Faith
If we hope to see our culture take Christianity seriously, we've got to take it seriously ourselves. In other words, our faith has to be more than just a pastime
To Understand True Love, Don't Watch 'The Notebook'
At the heart of so much of our cultural confusion today is an impoverished understanding of what love truly is.
More Christians Shot for Their Faith; Time to Tone Down the Hateful Anti-Christian Rhetoric?
On Anastasia Boylan's fourth day in the Writing 115 class at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, an armed man wearing body armor shot the professor and demanded that any of the cowering students who were Christians stand up.
How a Homicide Detective Became a Christian by Following the Evidence
My favorite LA homicide detective isn't on television ... he's a real life cop turned Christian apologist, and his second book is out now.
A Warning About Trigger Warnings (In the Church Too!)
Politically correct colleges are actually harming their students by trying to protect them from ever being offended.
Archaeologists Discover Goliath's Home
The Christian faith, and the Jewish faith that preceded it, believe in a God who acts in real time — in human history. So the latest archaeological find shouldn't surprise us.
China Versus the Cross
Communist authorities are attempting to remove the cross from China. But Chinese Christians are responding in dramatic ways.