Lauren Cooley
Op-ed contributor
President Trump's first week: A bold return to faith and values
In just one week, President Donald J. Trump has demonstrated a clear commitment to defending life, protecting religious liberty, and restoring common sense to government.
Christians are woefully unprepared for this cultural moment
If Christians are called to be salt and light, why are so many sitting on the sidelines during such a critical moment in our nation's history?
Advice for Young Republican Christians Coping With Trump's Sexual Assault Comments
Late Friday night, text messages from young Republican Christians flooded my phone.
The Free Market Will Destroy the Abortion Industry
A series of videos from the Center for Medical Progress has exposed Planned Parenthood for selling the body parts of the fetuses they abort. Not only is this sickening, it is a federal offense.
An Open Letter to High School Grads: Please Don't Buy Into Liberal Lies
You got into your dream college. Or maybe not. Regardless, you're done with high school and you're moving on! Congrats.
Purposeful Provocation and Christ's Love
It's hard to be bold and courageous on tough issues while also exemplifying meekness and love. In fact, some say it can't be done.