Mat Staver
Op-ed contributor
Trump's executive orders are not enough to restrain evil
Executive orders should be seen as a launching pad for legislation that Congress needs to set in stone.
Liberty University set up by ex-employee, ACLU for affirming biblical sexuality
Zinski knew what Liberty’s mission and doctrinal statement required of its employees. But as soon as his 90-day probation period ended, he announced his decision to identify as a woman.
Why the Ten Commandments belong in Louisiana classrooms
It’s impossible to divorce the Ten Commandments from the founding of America or civil society because God’s law is the foundation of law itself.
Why LGBT public school agenda should concern parents
Can you imagine not being able to opt your kindergartener out of wholly inappropriate LGBTQ propaganda at school?
Who bankrolled the antisemitic campus chaos that swept America?
So, who is paying professional rioters like Lisa Fithian and catering, facilitating, and supplying their riots across the country?
IVF’s moral implications: Justice for preborn life outside the womb
This ruling was a wake-up call for many who had never considered the ethical implications of practices like IVF on the most vulnerable people group, the preborn.
Combatting the dystopian rise of the ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’
It is a sad day in this country when Americans fear that publishing conservative views on a public platform will be suppressed by government-influenced censorship intent on drowning out dissenting views.
The shifting pro-life landscape in a post-Roe America
The New York Times cited how Illinois’ estimated abortion rate rose by nearly 70% in 2023 compared with 2020.
America: There’s no negotiating with Hamas
Right now, America is facing a test. How will we respond?
Why Israel matters
Standing for Israel’s right to exist is essential on many fronts. The foundation of Western civilization originates in Israel.