Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
There is a problem if there is no Hell
The reality is that, if we refuse His mercy in this world, we will receive exactly what we deserve in the world to come — and God knows how to calculate with precision.
We can thank gay activists for today’s epidemic of trans confusion
It is now incumbent on us as parents, educators, ministry leaders, social media influencers and activists to undo the damage that has been done and restore innocence and sanity to the kids of this world. It’s the least that we can do.
Piers Morgan, the anti-trans voice of sanity
What if I told you several years ago that Piers Morgan, well-known as a strong ally of the gay community, would become one of the loudest, most persistent voices against trans-activism? I imagine I would have been laughed to scorn.
Our ideological battle is often more spiritual than intellectual
That’s why we must remember the spiritual nature of our battle. Only God can open the eyes of the blind.
An insidious attack on our nation’s youth
Did you know that a new study shows that 77% of young Americans would not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, using drugs or having mental and physical health problems?
If you disagree with SCOTUS decision on Christian graphic artist – answer these questions
In response, Clara Jeffery, editor-in-chief of Mother Jones, tweeted, “perhaps gay stylists, designers, caterers, and planners should start withholding services from Christian conservatives and see where that goes.” After all, Jeffery reasoned, if a Christian can create content for a gay couple, surely gay professionals can decline services to Christian conservatives.
How do we confront our own blind spots?
We might have more blind spots than we care to admit.
Diversity or perversity?
I reproduce here an op-ed originally written in 2013 but rejected for publication by the local press. I think you will find it quite relevant today, if not even chilling in its warnings.
When a German Lutheran pastor preaches that ‘God is queer’
“Now is the time to say ... ‘God is queer.’” Who spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context of the statement?
The cultural tide is continuing to turn more conservative
In case you haven’t noticed, this year’s “Pride Month” is different than Pride Months in the past.