Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Why you cannot separate the T (or Q) from the LGB
The irony of this all is that, in the years to come, it could well be that the very reason the gay revolution ultimately fails is precisely because it succeeded so well.
An important, decades-old reminder for the Church from 2 influential gay activists
There is a very important lesson we must always keep in mind: changing laws without changing hearts will never bring about long-term social and moral progress.
What I mean by 'do whatever you can not to get old'
For the sake of your families, your co-workers, your own enjoyment of life and the stewardship of your bodies before the Lord who owns you, I urge you: Do whatever you can not to get old.
The common-sense wisdom of a 16-year-old girl
“They no longer teach about the birds and the bees but about the birds and the birds and the bees and the bees and the bees that used to be birds and the birds that used to be bees.”
Richard Dreyfuss: Cultural capitulation and cultural sensitivity
There is a massive difference between cultural capitulation and cultural sensitivity. We should resist the former and practice the latter.
Why sheep need shepherd in spiritual terms
Very often in prayer, when faced with a challenging situation, I will remind the Lord, “I’m just a dumb sheep. I don’t know anything. You’re the Shepherd! Speak to me and I will follow. I’m Your sheep and I hear Your voice. So speak, Lord, and I’ll joyfully obey. I just need You to show me the way.”
Reflections on the satanic conference in Boston
What should we make of this conference?
Can a Christian have a demon?
As the subject of deliverance and demons has come front and center in recent days, I wanted to state clearly what I do and do not believe, in keeping with the views I have held for decades.
How ‘progressive’ Christians misuse the Bible
Why even cite the Bible, as if it carried some kind of divine authority, while making yourself the arbiter of ultimate truth?
Could it be the cultural tide is turning?
Could it be that, little by little, the tide is starting to turn? I believe the answer is yes, which should encourage us to dig in even deeper for the long battle ahead.