Oscar Amaechina
Op-ed Contributor
Dear Christians: Money is a good servant but a bad master
The sad reality is that many preachers are becoming more interested in acquiring wealth than they are in winning souls.
Evangelism doesn't work apart from obedience to God
Allowing God to lead the way is a right step in a right direction as far as the work of God is concerned.
Is the global population of Christians really increasing?
Are we all just called “Christians” because we claim that we are?
What should be the ultimate New Year's resolution?
In Africa, many churches gather all the prayer requests on the first day of the year and fast and pray in order for God to answer these requests.
What would life be like without Jesus Christ?
As we are planning to celebrate Christmas this year, it’s a good idea to soberly reflect on how life on this earth could have been without Christ.
Lessons from tragic deaths of the 12 apostles of Christ
Every Christian should soberly reflect on why God Almighty would allow His devoted followers to be crucified or beheaded.
Unbiblical teachings about tithing in our churches
Many pastors in their efforts to ensure that their followers pay tithes regularly have resorted to preaching unbiblical sermons about tithing.
Is it possible to lose your salvation?
Generalizing “once saved always saved” has done more harm than good.
How important is speaking in tongues?
Does the Bible mention anywhere that speaking in tongues is actually required for salvation?
My Christian friend, what do you choose: Prosperity or repentance?
Every Christian should soberly examine the messages which he or she listens to. Do the messages unlock your wallet, or do they prick your heart?