Pat Fagan

Op-ed Contributor


  • What to do about our dying culture?

    What to do about our dying culture?

    The family has to take on the task of rebuilding society, for no other institution is prepared to.  Yet how can the smallest, weakest and least powerful institution rebuild what major institutions cannot?

  • Sociologists Mislead Supreme Court, Put Politics Ahead of Science on Same-Sex Parenting

    Sociologists Mislead Supreme Court, Put Politics Ahead of Science on Same-Sex Parenting

    On April 28th, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges to determine whether states may define "marriage" as only the marriage of one man and one woman.

  • Brute Force, Cohabitation, and the NFL

    Brute Force, Cohabitation, and the NFL

    Domestic abuse scandals have rampaged through the NFL: Greg Hardy, Rod Smith, Anthony Ray Jefferson, and most recently, Ray Rice.

  • Marriage Is Timeless, Good for the Family

    Marriage Is Timeless, Good for the Family

    In his Tuesday presentation at the International Colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman, evangelical pastor Rev. Dr. Rick Warren reiterated a vital fact that has been lost in the marriage debate: the fundamental good of the family is a timeless truth impenetrable by society's transient whims.