Paul Swamidass
Op-ed Contributor
Why elitist DEI programs really neglect poor minorities
The underperformance of poor minority students in K-12 deserves the attention of DEI proponents. For inexplicable reasons, DEI proponents do not offer any commendable service to these students to enable them to excel in school and become literate.
A powerful tool for churches to fulfill their missional purpose
What could be holding our churches back?
Behind the recall in San Francisco: A failed socialist youth rehabilitation program
The recently recalled District Attorney Chesa Boudin and the successful recall of three socialist-leaning members of the San Francisco elected public-school board show that SF voters realize socialism doesn't work in practice.
New York City mayor seeks help to end 'kids killing kids' in the city
The ongoing murders in NYC are a sad tragedy, but it is an opportunity for the Church to step in and minister to families to restore their affiliation with Jesus Christ.
Critical values theory: A substitute for CRT?
America is divided. Critical race theory is right about that. However, CRT fails as a tool to explain satisfactorily and fix the divisiveness. There is a better tool to understand as well as heal the divisiveness in America today.
How should we evaluate elected officials?
A person’s insight is revealed, when he or she understands, interprets, reasons, and explains a complex issue for the benefit of the public, which lacks insight or needs help in understanding a complex issue/problem.
How India’s anti-conversion laws selectively deny freedom of religion for Indians
India’s famed Emperor Ashoka was an ancient convert from Hinduism to Buddhism. He demonstrated that a person is NOT forced by others to convert from one religion to another. Today, “religious conversions are forced,” is the flawed premise of all anti-conversion laws of India. Who could have forced mighty Emperor Ashoka to change his religion? The Emperor’s famous religious conversion was his choice.
Why America needs a national 'Fatherless Children’s Day'
Now that Father’s Day is behind us, let us consider a related matter. On Father's Day, when we are saying kind, grateful things to fathers on social media, at churches, at homes, at parties, and everywhere else, we are confirming how important and valuable the role of the father is to his children.
Joe Manchin, a rare American statesman
Statesmen make unpopular decisions, eschew partisan gain in order to protect the national interest by using superior judgment even at the cost of their own political standing.
NBA players’ success refutes CRT. The secret four-letter word
This data is convincing evidence that NBA has come a long way since the FIRST Black player Earl Lloyd played in an NBA game 71 years ago. Based on 2019 Census data, whites make 61% of the population but, now, only 17% are white players in the NBA.