Robert J. Pacienza
Op-ed contributor
Do you know the truth behind Florida’s Amendment 4?
This November, Florida voters will confront a deceptively labeled constitutional amendment that claims to limit “government interference with abortion.”
Easter: Why it’s a big deal
What is the logic of this claim that Jesus is able to loosen us from death’s grip?
Reformation Day: Why it’s a big deal
In remembrance of Martin Luther’s hammer and out of gratitude to God, therefore, my family joined many other Christians by marking October 31 on our calendars as “Reformation Day.”
Is religious liberty 'hanging by a thread?'
When religious freedom is upheld, the conditions are set for all of society to flourish. Yet, when religious freedom — the freedom to be Christian, atheist, Buddhist, or otherwise — is threatened, every other freedom is threatened as well.
Why ending Roe is good for every American
Indeed, the Court’s view had to be overturned; human beings should never be viewed as property. Rather, they should be viewed as persons who possess the same dignity and rights as every other American.