Robert Netzly
Op-ed contributor
How Trump’s policy agenda could benefit biblically responsible investors
While the 2025 Trump administration’s policies have provided a strong foundation for biblically responsible investing, challenges remain.
How we pressured Meta to end its fact-checking program
Our Christian firm played a role in Meta's recent surprising decision to end its controversial fact-checking program and censorship policies
Magnificent 7 stock alternatives for the biblically conscious investor
Biblically Responsible Investing, also known as faith-based investing, integrates religious beliefs and values into the investment decision-making process.
Should Christians invest in Netflix with soul poisoning porn?
What sacrifices or changes or hassles or inconveniences are you willing to go through to invest in such a way that intentionally glorifies God? The greater the obstacles we go through for our Lord, the greater His glory shines to the world that watches.
How a Christian's investment portfolio should look different
Investment creates. What are your investments creating? Is it a world where God’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven?
Christian investors celebrate win against debanking trend
Today it’s Lindell or Brownback; tomorrow, it is you and me. Today it’s conservatives, tomorrow, it’s moderates and liberals. Today it’s Christians, tomorrow, it’s anybody who disagrees with the regime. You get the picture; this has to stop.
Biblical investors renouncing ESG
We did not ask for a fight, but we will never stop defending what is right and true so long as God gives us breath in our lungs and assets in our funds. May God grant us grace and strength for the battle. Will you join us?
List of companies paying for abortion travel
Below is a list of companies that have already made public announcements of their abortion travel employee “benefits.”
Free market rejects LGBT investment funds as another closes down
One of the beautiful traits of a free market economy is its piercingly unbiased judgment. Popular ideas are rewarded, and unpopular ideas are punished. There is no other way to interpret the three-time failure of LGBT thematic investing than a resounding rejection by the free market.
Revealing the abortion industry loophole
This reality is alarming, but perhaps even more disturbing is that almost every pro-life investor is profiting from these abortifacient drugs through companies they hold in their portfolios. Meaning that those who are advocating for life are unknowingly profiting from death.