Wallace B. Henley
Exclusive Columnist
Wallace Henley is a former pastor, White House, and congressional aide. He served eighteen years as a teaching pastor at Houston's Second Baptist Church. Wallace, the author of more than twenty books, now does conferences on the church and culture, church growth and leadership. He is the founder of Belhaven University's Master of Ministry Leadership Degree.
The virtue of being hated
If the church is not hated for the right reasons, is she real? Is she truly virtuous? The word used in the New Testament often refers to “moral excellence.”
Standing firm in an age of weaponized information
They will be able to perpetuate their worldview across generations, impacting not just the contemporary moment, but history itself.
Healing the big hole in America's heart
God the errand boy is still around. Fetch us a healing... wealth... happiness, we demand. But the errand boy deity is not God the Father, and we miss Abba terribly.
Destroyers, deliverers, and the coming election
Is Donald Trump the “angel of the abyss,” or the antichrist, the destroyer of the fragile order that sustains a high quality of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”?
Processing and profiting from failure: The view from Mount 'Hoary' (pt. 4)
Through failure I learned that I shouldn’t blame “God’s will” for my mistakes, but to note especially His sovereignty over the whole of my life — failures and all.
Processing and profiting from failure: Moving from the swamp of failure to the zone of excellence (pt 3)
It would take me from the dismal swamp of failure to the bright horizons of what I would come to call the “zone of excellence.”
Trump and the fragility of the American republic
The nation needs the positive, confident tone it conveyed — without the Trumpisms. Overall, it was a refreshing speech in an era characterized by a pseudo-intellectualism that treasures ambiguity and innuendo. Like it or not, Trump is blunt and head-on.
Processing and profiting from failure: Dare to re-engage (pt 2)
Somewhere over the dark ocean I looked at our sleeping baby daughter wrapped in a reindeer skin blanket that a thoughtful flight attendant had loaned us and felt anger and despair.
Processing and profiting from failure: A ‘Nuremberg trial’ (pt 1)
I know, because I experienced what seemed at the time catastrophic failure at the outset of my career.
Woke revisionism would make our history a rubble-pile
I believe we are deep into a season of the relapse of memory, the rebellion that inevitably follows, and the refiner’s fire when the consequences of relapse and rebellion set our cities ablaze.