William Wolfe
Op-ed contributor
Male leadership in the Church: God’s good and timeless plan for His people
God’s designs aren’t arbitrary, but rather for our good. So, let’s embrace God’s good design, confident that He doesn’t change with the times — and so neither should we.
3 ways to pray for your political opponents
How can Christians pray for their political opponents? Here are three ways.
3 lessons for Christians from Psalm 119: Reflections on the longest psalm in the Bible
Evangelist Billy Graham once said that “The Book of Psalms is the Bible’s hymnbook. It will show you what it means to walk with God in prayer and praise.”
What is wokeness?
While some people use the word positively, the vast majority seem to use it pejoratively — whatever woke is, it’s bad. So, what is “wokeness”?
There is no ‘Christian case’ for open borders
Despite what many in the woke media like to claim, Jesus Christ wasn’t an open-borders socialist.
Biblical worldview: Political correctness
How should Christians think about political correctness? How does a biblical worldview help us understand, interpret and respond to the language games of the left?
Biblical worldview: The need for courage
Ask God to make sure you have the courage needed to put your convictions into action. Then, when you see a chance to make a change, do it.
The Christian foundation for all of politics
Without God, man tries to play God over men. Without God, the state tries to play God over many other men
It truly is ‘normal vs. crazy’ in the State of Our Union under President Biden
Sometimes you listen to someone talk and just have to ask, “What world do you live in?” In case you missed it, that was the exact reaction that most honest, clear-eyed, reality-inhabiting Americans had to President Biden’s second State of the Union, delivered to Congress on Tuesday night.
It’s not too late to pick a Bible reading plan for 2023. Here are 3 options.
Here are three options for Bible reading plans that will take you from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 before the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 2, 2024 — should the Lord tarry, of course.