The Benham Brothers Offer a Prophetic Warning for America

WASHINGTON — David and Jason Benham told hundreds of evangelical Christians Friday that the "prophetic implications" of Isaiah 59 are happening in America today, as those who publicly defend traditional Christian beliefs are being turned into "prey."
The Benham brothers, successful real estate entrepreneurs who gained notoriety among conservative Christians when their HGTV reality show was canceled because of liberal opposition to their beliefs on homosexuality, spoke for about 20 minutes at the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit on Friday afternoon and warned that what people are calling the "sexual revolution" is actually more like the moral decay of society.
As Christians around the country — from wedding venders and pizza shop owners to government officials and MLB commentators — are facing social upheaval and massive consequences for voicing and acting on their Christian convictions and opinions, the Benhams suggested that there is a "radical revolution to overtake America."