10 Christian reactions to Trump's State of the Union address

9. Paula White
White, a Florida televangelist who is the head of president Donald Trump’s informal evangelical advisory board and considered to be his spiritual adviser, thanked Trump for his speech on Twitter.
She said that he was “standing strong for the unborn and against the hideous acts of full-term abortion!”
“Thank you for standing for all Americans, our security, our economy, second chances, children with cancer, on & on! The State of the Union was brilliant and amazing!” She wrote.
Earlier in the week, White wrote an op-ed defending White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for asserting that she believes that Trump is president because God wants him to be.
“Liberals may have gotten a few chuckles out of Sanders' remark, but they don't seem to realize that the joke is actually on them,” White wrote. “No matter how much they try to deride religion in the news and popular culture, the vast majority of Americans are believers. Furthermore, when you consider everything that President Trump has done for people of faith since taking office, it's easy to see why so many of them agree with Sanders that Donald Trump is doing God's work.”
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