4 Things That Can Help Stop Youth From Abandoning Their Faith
1. True Conversion

One of the main challenges to the Church are "cultural Christians" - people who say they are Christian because of family background or for identifying themselves, but they do not seek to follow Jesus Christ in their everyday lives.
Pastors and Christians leaders should reach out to these people and ensure they know the deep meaning of the cross and let them understand that their faith is not just about "feelings" but about knowing Jesus and having a true relationship with the Lord.
2. Being equipped with the Word of God instead of being entertained

Retreats full of basketball games and other kinds of fun moments may be very attractive to the youth, and of course there is nothing wrong with fun activities. However, even though fun and entertainment can and should be a part of engaging with youth, it should not take away from the central focus - that they need to hear the Word of God, pray and understand it, and have it deeply rooted in their hearts. Then they will be able to edify the church and be a light to bring others to a new life in the Gospel.

3. Parents Teach Them The Gospel

Parents should lead from the front, and make sure their homes are centered on God. This is a huge challenge for most families, but with love and nurturing with prayer and a Christ-centered life, children can be raised to see the family unit as a place where they can feel and see God working.
4. Faithful Environment
As the Bible says, water and wine do not mix. But for many young people this is the reality of their faith - a life that mixes faith in Jesus Christ with a daily routine and life almost entirely engaged with the secular worldly culture. As much as possible it is important to lead our youth to live in an environment compatible with their Christian values, and will encourage their faith and nurture their spiritual lives.