911 Call Reveals Mother's Horror at Discovering Dead Daughter From Planned Parenthood Abortion

Operation Rescue, a pro-life organization that has been campaigning against Planned Parenthood, released part of a "chilling" 911 call a mother made last year upon discovering her daughter had died following an abortion at a clinic in Michigan.
The mother of Cree Erwin-Shepard, the 24-year-old woman who died following complications due to the abortion on June 30, 2016, can be heard sobbing in the 911 call, where she says: "My daughter is cold. My daughter, I think she's dead."
As Daily Wire explained back in April, Erwin-Shepard fell violently ill after her abortion last year at a Planned Parenthood facility, and ended up in an emergency room in Michigan on July 2.
An ultrasound there reportedly showed clotting, and that parts of the killed baby still remained in her uterus, which was now perforated. The young woman was sent home on pain medication, before her mother, whose first name wasn't provided, found her lifeless body two days later.
Right to Life Michigan said last month that only through her death certificate was the truth discovered about how the young woman died.
"Here it's worth remembering that abortion is plainly not 'between a woman and her doctor.' In most cases no lasting relationship is formed between an abortionist and the woman," the group emphasized.
"Often the first meeting is when the abortionist walks into the operating room. What sort of meaningful follow-up really exists when the patient is typically just a faceless name on a piece of paper?" they asked.
Erwin-Sheppard's brother, Tyler Sheppard, has been demanding that the nation's largest abortion business explain why his sister lost her life.
"They are ravaging these women .... I want to know what happened. I want to know why my sister's life wasn't good enough to save," he said last month.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, argued that federal tax money should not enable Planned Parenthood to "continue to inflict human tragedy on our society."
"The response of Cree's family to her loss humanizes that tragedy. This gives new urgency to the Senate's impending vote to defund Planned Parenthood. If this family's grief and pain are overlooked or ignored, then the Senate is only creating conditions that will ensure more women like Cree will be injured or killed, and more families will suffer," Newman warned.
Planned Parenthood was dealt a blow earlier in May when the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation seeking to repeal Obamacare and block federal Medicaid funds from going to the abortion business.
The Washington Post reported that if the bill is passed, then Planned Parenthood would lose about 30 percent of its total revenue. The organization currently receives over $500 million in taxpayer funds annually.
Pro-life groups praised the development, saying it is time to end the killing of more than 320,000 preborn children every year.
"We've seen millions of Americans who are opposed to taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood speak out at town halls, march in cities across the nation, and call and write their members of Congress," said Lila Rose, founder of Live Action.
Listen to the 911 call here: